Our gazes lock for a long moment, and I half expect her to stop me. But then I notice her wince when she leans in to press a kiss to the top of my head.

“Be careful,” is all she whispers before she leaves me with the man who’s bound before me. He’s lookin’ at me with a smirk curlin’ his lips, and anger takes ahold of me once more.

I lift the blade and grab his face, so he can’t move, and I slowly slice a Joker type smile into each corner of his mouth. His cheeks are now a waterfall of crimson as he cries out in agony. Even his cries make me smile. Perhaps I’m no better than the bastard I want ta kill, but there’s one difference between us—I’ll never harm someone who’s innocent. I don’t hurt women or children, but arseholes like him, I’ll gladly slice into tiny feckin’ pieces.

I sit back and watch my handy work for a long while. My mind is filled with the image of him dying. I’m lost in the red drippin’ from his pale skin. I don’t stop, though, because once he’s calmed down, I continue slicing his flesh, from under his eye down his left cheek. I want ta watch the fecker bleed out in front of me.

Keeping my stare on his, I smile. “Do ye think hurtin’ innocent women makes ye a powerful man?” I ask him as I take the blade and slowly press it against his palm. His wrist is twisted and still bound in metal chains. He’s not goin’ anywhere any time soon. “In my books, that makes ye a feckin’ coward.”

“Ye think bein’ a strong man is goin’ta get ye anythin’ more than a lifelong sentence in the chokey? They’ll lock ye up for this and leave ye in there until ye’re old and grey. And who’s gonna look after yer ma then?”

I know he’s tryin’ta bait me, but I can’t stop myself from raisin’ the knife and slamming the handle into his face. There’s a crunch in the moment of impact, and I smile once more. He needs to pay, and I’ll gladly make sure he does.

“If ye think ye’re a stronger man than I am,” I tell him as I lean in and press the tip of the blade against his neck. “Then ye’re mistaken because a real man, a strong feckin’ man, would never hurt those who are weaker than him.”

This time, I do smile. I laugh out loud while I listen to him gurgle as the metallic fluid from the wounds on his face slowly drips into his mouth and down the back of his. I wish we were at the Royal Bastards’ warehouse. If we were, I’d ensure this arsehole was sent to hell with wounds he’d never fuckin’ forget. But I’m goin’ta have ta make do with the blade and my bare hands.

“One day,” he tells me. “When ye’re all grown up and a real man, ye’ll fall in love.” His words make me laugh out loud because I know I’ll never put a woman through the pain of spendin’ her life with me.“Then ye’ll realise they all need ta be handled in a certain way. Possessin’ an obedient woman is the only way ye’ll be happy.”

“I’m not a feckin’ monster,” I yell at him as I drop the knife, and wrapping my hands around his neck, I squeeze until the light leaves his eyes and I finally end his life.

There’s a certain power that comes with killin’ a man. I can’t deny it—I enjoyed it. I didn’t think I’d ever find pleasure in being violent, but I shouldn’t be surprised by it. I’ve grown up in a city that’s shown me just how cruel real life is. With violence and cruelty a norm from a very young age. Despite Ma tryin’ta keep me from it, there is no escapin’ the gangs in Belfast.

Soon, I’m hoping to be patched into my best friend’s motorcycle club. I’ll be part of a family I never thought I’d ever have. All my life, it’s been only me and Ma, but now, I will have brothers who’ll be there fer me whenever I need them.

I’m done.

He’s gone.

I look down at the man I’ve just killed. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been cleanin’ up for the club, but now I’ve taken a life, and there’s no goin’ back.

“You’re not too bad at that.” A deep voice comes from behind me and there’s a chill that runs down my spine. I didn’t think I’d be caught out here in the dark, but I shoulda known there’s always someone watchin’. Especially when ye’re doin’ somethin’ ye shouldn’t be.

I turn to find a man from my past. He’s a member of the IRA, an organisation I don’t want anythin’ta do with. But with him as a witness, there’s no doubt he’s goin’ta want somethin’ from me.