And they wouldn’t be talking for long.

This was something that had to be done in front of the others. So they’d know that he didn’t fuck around with those that tried to bring him down.

“Now, can we go?” Jacques said, sounding bored.

“Fuck, yes, I’m starving,” Vince said.

Alejandro nodded, and they all filed out except Tariq.

“You have some beef with Vince?” he asked the other man.

“Maybe. But that’s my business. Just wanted to warn you to be careful,” Tariq said. “I get why you did it this way, but Sammy isn’t the only one with ambitions. When you’re at the top, everyone wants to topple you.”

“Like you?”

“Me?” Tariq asked, a hand on his chest. “I’m just a simple boy with simple needs.”

“That’s why you have a yacht, a helicopter, and three houses?” Reuben asked.

“Exactly. Simple needs.” Tariq strode out calmly, whistling to himself.

“Don’t trust any of them,” Reuben warned.

“Don’t worry. I didn’t get to where I am by trusting people.”

“I’m hurt.” Reuben placed a hand on his chest.

“You know you’re the exception.”

Reuben checked his watch. “I’ve got to go. I’m needed back in Boston tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll have someone drive you back. I’ve got to head in a different direction.”

Reuben snorted. “I thought so.”

After arranging Reuben’s ride back, he moved to his car. Cairn was waiting outside.

“The package is gone?”

“Yes. Gage is delivering it to The Scot. I’m with you.” He opened the back door for Alejandro, who climbed in.

He sat back. Why didn’t he feel better? He should feel victorious. He had the asshole. Everyone had been warned about what happened if you went behind his back.

But there was something niggling at the back of his mind.


He needed to see her.

Joder! No he didn’t. She was none of his business. And he should stay well away from her.

Which is precisely what he was going to do.


Cat was pissed.

De Leon had been here. Under the same roof as her. And she hadn’t been able to get close to him.

Starla had blown through the kitchen in a foul mood a while ago, muttering about how she’d better still get her tips, even if they dismissed her early.

Why would they dismiss her early?

Cat wondered how she could get back there. She moved toward the staff room and peered down the corridor. There was no one there. Shit. Had they all left?

With a groan, she sat on a chair and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her thighs. Then she moved to her locker to get her phone. She sent a text to the group.


Another bust. I need a plan b.

She put it back and then turned, gasping as she came face-to-face with a man. It took her a moment to recognize him as one of the men from the poker game. The one that had kept staring at her like she was a piece of meat and he was a starving wolf.

Although, that was an insult to wolves.

What was his name?


“Hello, pretty girl,” he murmured. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Wh-what do you want?” She cursed herself for stumbling over her words.

She would have to do better than that if she wanted to get out of this situation unharmed.

Because she could see in his gaze how much he wanted to hurt her.

“What do you think I want? I want to finish what we started.”

Started? Was he delusional? They hadn’t started anything.

“Well, thanks for the offer. But I’m busy. I’ve got to get back to work. Martin will be looking for me.”

As she tried to move past him, he grabbed her and slammed her back against the lockers.

Fuck, he was a good foot taller than her and had to outweigh her by at least eighty pounds. Why did she have to be so fucking small? She tried to free herself, but he had her pinned. Only one thing for it.

She opened her mouth to scream, but it was like he was reading her fucking mind. He slammed his hand down over her mouth.

“Now, now. There’s no need for that. All I want is a piece of that cunt and then I’ll be gone. There’s no need to fight. Although, I like it better if you do.” He pressed himself against her and she paused, gasping for breath as she felt his erection.

Oh God. She was going to be sick.

She started to heave when a noise came from the hallway. Hastily, he spun her so her back was pressed to his front. Then, half-carrying her, he made his way out the back door. It was the kind of door that only opened from the inside. They ended up in the alley around the side of the restaurant.

Despite the fact that it seemed to turn him on more, she tried to kick him, to fight back. She drew her head forward, then slammed it back, relishing his groan of pain.