All of them except Tariq. Which was bad. Because he was one of the smartest fuckers in the room. And possibly the most cunning.

“Get me something?” Vince repeated as he sat back in his seat.

The girl smiled at him while he slowly undressed her with his eyes.

Dead. Mother. Fucker.

But he couldn’t play his hand here. Instead, he knocked his foot against Reuben’s, hoping the other man would pick up on what he wanted.

Reuben cleared his throat. “Are we playing poker or playing with the help?”

Alejandro saw the girl stiffen. She didn’t like that? Starla never cared. But this girl was new. Thin skin. She glared over at Reuben, and his heart nearly stopped at the sight of those gorgeous green eyes.

Fuck. She was gorgeous.



Motherfucker. This was the universe’s way of punishing him. She kept her glare on Reuben, who just grinned back at her, unperturbed.

Reuben could be an asshole sometimes. All right, all the time. But he was the best man to have on your side. His loyalty knew no bounds.

“Don’t worry about that asshole, sweet,” Vince said in a sickening voice.

She jumped slightly and Alejandro tensed. Had he just touched her? If he had . . .

Joder. Fuck.

He was clenching his jaw together so tight that he heard it crack. But, instead of jumping from his chair and smashing that asshole’s face into the table, he forced himself to lean back.

“Some of us have places to be. Everyone, give the girl your drink orders and then she can leave.”

Yes, he was more abrupt than usual. Fact was, he barely even noticed that Starla was there when she was serving. She always brought him the Scotch he liked and then left.

Yet this girl shot him a look. He wondered what her name was. Right now, she looked like an enraged kitten about to strike. So much anger in such a small body.

It intrigued him.

Shouldn’t she be terrified? Didn’t she recognize the danger this room held? Did she have no sense of self-preservation? The men in this room would slit her throat without hesitation if they thought she was a threat.

And here she was, staring him down like she thought she could win.

Like she thought she had the upper hand.

He didn’t think so.

What shocked him was how much of a turn-on it was. Normally, he went for submissive women. He didn’t like his women to argue with him.

His word was law.

He certainly didn’t have the time or interest in taming a hellion.

She quickly stepped away from Vince, smiling at everyone as she filled their drink orders. Once everyone had a drink, he waved a hand to dismiss her.

Was that a flash of anger in her gaze? He strummed his fingers against his thigh. Why would Martin choose her to serve in the room? Sure, she smiled at the right time and gave everyone equal attention. But he didn’t like how she’d stepped in when it was clear Vince was about to lose his legendary temper.

She should have been hiding and keeping herself safe, not stepping into the line of fire.

As her employer, you should let her know that you’re not happy with her behavior.

It’s up to you to see to her safety.

Fuck it. That’s right. He was responsible for her. Besides, it seemed like whoever else was supposed to be taking care of her wasn’t doing a good enough job.

So he was going to step in.


Abruptly, Alejandro stood, his chair scraping back as Reuben dealt the cards. Vince seemed to be over his tantrum at Reuben being here. Probably the expensive Scotch in his hand helped.

“Where are you going?” Tariq asked, looking amused.


“We don’t go to the bathroom during these games,” Vince said.

Alejandro glared at him. “The game hasn’t started yet.” Motherfucker thought he could tell him what to do in his own damn restaurant. Fucking dick.

He strode out into the hallway. Fuck.

Where the hell was she? She should be standing right here, waiting for him to call on her. Her sole job was to serve them.

To serve him.

“Where did she go?” he snapped at The Scot, who was standing farther down the hallway, ensuring that no one walked down here.

Standing with him was one of Jacques’s guys, which didn’t surprise him. Jacques was paranoid. Jacques’s man was glaring at The Scot, who was likely winding him up.

The Scot raised his eyebrows. “The lass? She went through there.”

“Well, why did you let her?” he asked.

“Didn’t realize I was supposed to stop her,” The Scot drawled.

“Well, you were. And you should have.” Now he was going to have to go search for her.

Alejandro De Leon didn’t chase after people. They came to him when he demanded it.

He huffed out a breath and headed toward the staff room. Was she taking a break? After working for five minutes? He strode inside.

Not there.

He walked back out, his irritation growing. Where the hell was she? Stomping over to the women’s toilets, he threw the door open.