Her face lit up, and she bit her bottom lip, remembering what to reply. “Tesekkürler, evet iyi uyudum.” She wrinkled her nose, looking so much like Neri, I balled my hands under the table as my eyes shot to her daughter, and I suffered a full-blown bolt of love.

“Did I say that right?” Anna asked.

Swallowing hard, I nodded. “Perfectly. You said you did sleep well and thank you.”

“Phew.” Sitting down, she took a bite of her honeyed toast with banana.

“Dad. Jeez, come on.” Neri clenched her fingers. “Peanut butter.”

Jack grunted something and waggled his phone, reading the local news like every morning. “Impatient, little fish.” Without looking up from whatever article he read, he fumbled around on the table for the tub.

Neri rolled her eyes, standing in her chair. “I’ll just get it.” Her buttoned shirt gaped open a little, revealing a tight white sports bra beneath. The nymph and sea lion necklace I’d bought her—that never left her neck—swung and glittered in the morning sun.

My cock stood to full mast, making me wince as my zipper stabbed me.

Fuck, I’m in trouble.

How could something as familiar as sharing breakfast with these people suddenly turn into one of the most erotic moments of my life?

The table hadn’t changed.

The garden and deck where we sat outside hadn’t changed.

The only thing that had was me.

I now knew, in explicit detail, what Neri’s fingers felt like around me, and I knew what mine felt like deep inside her.

My cheeks heated, and I grabbed the peanut butter, passing it to her.

Our fingers grazed.

We froze.

My skin erupted in goosebumps.

Flashbacks of last night worked through me.

She’d promised that we’d be civil and act no differently around her parents. We’d sat outside the front door in the idling Jeep, formulating rules on how this would work.

Rules that I’d hastily come up with as she’d tried to kiss me goodnight. I’d planted my hand over her lips in horror, glancing at the windows where Jack could be peeking. “Anyone could be watching, Nerida. What happens between us, stays between us. Okay? You can’t tell anyone. Not yet.”

She’d scowled and licked my very sensitive palm.

I’d jerked away and fisted the steering wheel. “I mean it. You’re seventeen. You’re still in school. Jack and Anna will never forgive me for this.”

“I’m of legal age for sexual consent, Aslan. They can’t stop us.”

“They can kick me out.”

“They won’t when they realise you’re in love with me.”

“It was their one stipulation, Neri. They kept me safe and hidden, lying on my behalf, supporting me and giving me a job...as long as I kept my distance from you.” I glowered at the slightly-run-down, very well-loved house that’d been my prison and sanctuary for the past five years.

The very real threat of being kicked out of it made my stomach tangle.

“That made sense when I was twelve and you were sixteen. Those four years between us mean nothing now.”

“I’ve still gone behind their back.”

“No, you finally followed your heart.” She smiled softly. “And I followed mine.”

“We won’t tell them until after you graduate.” I rubbed at the tightness in my chest. “We’ll pretend nothing is going on until then.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You’ll be almost eighteen. You’ll start your degree in marine science. We can maybe get our own place.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, seeing all the complications that would unfold from choosing this. Choosing us. “You’d have to sign a lease on your own, of course, and we’d have to make sure I wasn’t listed on any bills, but...I think we could live together. At least, I hope.”

“We could just stay here.”

I threw her a look. “You expect me to live in your parents’ garden even when I’m forty?”

She smiled. “I can’t wait to see you forty.”

“Have a fetish for older men?”

She shivered. “I have a fetish for you.”

I groaned and readjusted my swollen flesh. “Fuck, you have to stop. Go inside and go to bed.” I narrowed my eyes. “And before you ask...you’re going to bed. Alone.”

“Spoilsport.” She pouted deliciously. “If we’re honest and tell Mum and Dad that feelings are involved and not just fucking, they won’t kick you out.”

I stiffened as my heart hammered. “I’m not fucking you.”

“Not yet you’re not.” She leaned across the gearstick and cupped my still-hard cock. “But you’re going to. Regularly, I might add. In fact, I can safely say, we might as well stay naked, Aslan, because I’m never going to want to stop.” She laughed under her breath. “Perhaps when I’m eighty, I might finally have my fill of you, but until then, be prepared to be ravished nightly, daily, and very, very frequently.”

I was literally one stroke from coming again.

Pushing her hand back to her side of the car, I groaned and looked at the ceiling. “Bana ne yaptigini biliyor musun?”