“It’s okay, baby. Everything’s going to be okay.”

The words are automatic, and I want to believe them, but something nibbles at the back of my neck.

And I fear my words are a lie.

Chapter Five


With Brendan’s strong arms around me, I almost believe his words are true.

I almost feel like the tower has no meaning.

I mean, what are tarot cards anyway? I don’t believe they’re the be-all and end-all of everything. Yet I do believe in my own intuition and the guidance of the cards.

And that feeling of foreboding…of impending doom…

It frightens me.


What does it all mean?

Then the other message. The crazy one that makes no sense.

What does that mean?

Brendan kisses my forehead. “Baby, I wish I could stay here with you and help you through this, but I really do have to go shower and get the bar open.”

I nod. “I understand. Can I come with you?”

“To take a shower?” He grins. “Absolutely.”

Brendan takes my hand and leads me up the stairway to his apartment. His beautiful new apartment.

Paid for by Steel money.

Is it fair for me to ask him to violate a promise he made when I’m keeping something from him? That my family paid for this new apartment?

God, none of this is right.

I will tell him. I’ll tell him when he tells me everything after my parents’ party.

Forty-eight hours. In forty-eight hours, we’ll both level with each other.

And hope that our relationship survives.

“I saw Cy today at the tattoo shop,” I hear myself saying.

“Did you? Did you finally decide on an image that works for you?”


“Something from the tarot?”

I shake my head. “I chose a triquetra…with a lightning bolt going through it.”

Brendan wrinkles his forehead. “A lightning strike through your balance? Why?”

“Because of the tower, Brendan. Because of the tower.”

“The card you drew. Right. What does it have you thinking?”

I rub my hands over my arms. “You already know. It scared the hell out of me. Destruction. Hypocrisy. So much negativity. But that’s not all.”

“What else?”

“I think I cracked the Darth Morgen code. It’s an anagram for grandmother.”

He narrows his eyes. “My grandmothers are both dead. And aren’t yours, as well?”

“They are. I don’t have any idea what it means. I tried figuring it out several ways. But grandmother seems to be the solution.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I feel very sure. And I also know my mother is sure as well, and it means something to her. All it took was a simple anagram solver on the internet for me to figure it out. I was relying on my mother, so I didn’t even think to do that until now. But surely it was the first thing that came up for her. In fact, she may have been able to read it when she first saw the message. That’s how good she is. She will never ever convince me that she didn’t have this figured out from the start.”


“Why would she keep it from me? Is one of my grandmothers still out there? Still alive? Or does it refer to your grandmother? Is one of them still alive, maybe? And if that’s the case, why is it such a horrible thing? It would be great if someone were still alive, right?”

“I suppose so. But I know both of my grandmothers are dead.”

I sigh. “Yes. I know. Mine too.”

“What about the other message?” he asks. “Apparently Pat Lamone got that one as well.”

“Pat Lamone? That guy who thinks he’s related to our family?”

“One and the same. He got that same message, that weird one about down yonder.”

“Do my parents know about that message?” I ask.

“They do. I showed it to them on Thanksgiving Day.”

Part of what he promised not to tell me. But why? “And they didn’t seem to know what it meant?”

“I think your mother knew. She got a strange look on her face. She tried to keep a poker face, but her eyes widened slightly. I believe she knows what it means.”

“And my father?”

“I couldn’t get a read on him. He seemed confused.”

“But my mother’s a detective…”


“Did my father ask you about that message when he came by earlier?”

“No, he didn’t. We didn’t really talk about much. I think there was a lot he wanted to say, maybe questions he wanted to ask, but I was in a hurry. I told him I needed to go up and get a shower so I could get the bar open. Which I still need to do.”

“Right. Of course. You helped me with my work today, and I’m going to help you with yours. So let’s get that shower.”

“I hope you’re thinking about joining me.”

“Absolutely.” I trail my fingers over his arm. “Believe me, I need something to make me feel good right now. And you, Brendan, always make me feel good.”

He takes my hand and leads me to his bathroom. He peels off his clothes and throws them in the hamper, and then he undresses me.