“But whose grandmother? Your mother and Mom’s mother are both gone. And Ava’s grandmothers are also both gone.”

“Which means maybe it’s referring to this Pat Lamone’s grandmother. I mean, why else would he have come to see you, and then me, about her?”

“He came because the email told him to. But I have no idea what any of that means or why we’re even involved.”

“Which is why I think it must have something to do with my uncle and his death at the wedding of Brad and Daphne Steel. That’s our only connection to the Steels, son. The only one.”

Chapter Seven


Watching my sister play pool is like watching a romantic comedy. Guys flock to her, and she gives them just enough attention so that they want her, and then she eases away.

She’s never serious.

She likes to pick up men, have some sex, and then move on. It’s her way. I sure didn’t like her coy flirting with Brendan at the bar. That won’t happen again on my watch.

I distribute the drinks and then dart my gaze to Jesse Pike, Cage Ramsey, and Dragon Locke.

The band.

Has my sister been with any of them?

They’re all in their early thirties, and Gina’s only twenty-two, so probably not. But I’m sure she’d gladly add them to the notches on her bedpost.

They’re all incredibly good-looking, of course—especially Dragon, in a completely unique and dark way. I’ve never really been attracted to him—or any of them—in a sexual way, though. Not like I am to Brendan.

I can’t believe I’m in love.

Gina and the rest of the awesome foursome are like Brock, Dave, and me. All the same age, so they were treated more as siblings than cousins.

Funny—they got the moniker the awesome foursome, while the three of us got Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

Of course, they are awesome.

All of them are tall, beautiful, and built. And all smart as anything as well. Gina is the artist of the group, Brianna’s the rancher, and Angie and Sage are both interested in the culinary arts, like their mother, Aunt Marjorie.

They both look like Dave in female form except Sage’s eyes are brown, like her mother’s.

Angie is the quieter of the two, and Sage is just like Gina—a complete and total flirt. She and Gina are hanging all over Cage Ramsey and Dragon Locke.

So I’m not surprised when Angie walks up to me, her brown hair swept into a high ponytail, which somehow makes her eyes look bluer.

“Hey, Ava.”

“What’s up, Ang? Do you need a refill?”

Angie lifts her pink cosmo, which is still half full. “Not yet. When did you become a bartender?”

“This afternoon. Brendan came over and helped me at the bakery this morning, so I offered to help him tonight.” I dart my gaze around the bar. “And he sure needs it. This place is packed.”

“Friday nights are usually packed, but you’re never here.”

“The bar’s not really my scene. But Brendan and I…” My cheeks warm.

“So I’ve heard.” Angie smiles. “I have to admit, I didn’t see that one coming.”

“I didn’t either, to tell the truth. But it’s nice. It’s really nice.”

Angie looks toward the bar, where Brendan and his father are working. “He’s a lot older than you, Ava.”

“I know, and it kind of freaked me out at first, but honestly? When I’m with him? There don’t seem to be any years between us. It’s so easy. And believe it or not, we have a lot in common.”

Angie raises her finely lined brows. “Really? You and Brendan Murphy?”

“Yeah, actually.” I feel myself getting a little bit defensive.

She shrugs with a smile. “Well, if you’re happy, cuz, so am I.”

I glance again at the other three of the foursome, who are flirting up a storm with the band. “What’s going on with you guys?”

“Just enjoying our senior year. I’ve been dating a guy at school, but it’s nothing serious.”


“Yeah, it’s pretty casual. But it’s more than Gina and Sage are doing. You know them, hopping from one guy to the next.”

“Yeah, I know. What about Brianna?”

“She has eyes for one man and one man only.” Angie gestures to Jesse Pike.

Jesse Pike, rocker extraordinaire.

“Yeah, I noticed that earlier. Or rather Brendan did. That’s an age difference.”

“Right? He’s thirty-two and she’s twenty-two. But that’s still one year less than you and Brendan.”

I can’t help a laugh. “I guess you’ve got me there. I just don’t see the two of them together. Jesse’s a rocker. And Bree? A hundred percent cowgirl. She’ll never leave the ranch.”

“No, she won’t. Besides, none of us has the heart to tell her that Jesse Pike has never once glanced in her direction.”

“He seems to be glancing now.”

“He’s being nice to her, Ava. He always is. He’s a good guy. But I think he sees her as a little sister.”

“Yeah, probably because she’s the same age as Maddie.” I look over my shoulder, scanning the area. “Where is Maddie, anyway?”