“I do,” I say, taking care not to respond to Gina’s flirting even in a platonic way. “Just wondering if Ava does.”

“Cosmos, for four,” Ava says. “And I know how to make them. Grey Goose okay?”

“Tito’s for me,” Gina says. “Grey Goose for the twins, and Ketel One for Bree.”

Ava stares at her with one eyebrow raised.

Gina erupts into laughter. “I’m just kidding. Whatever vodka you have is fine.”

“Grey Goose is the house brand,” Ava says.

“Grey Goose is great.”


I can’t tell whether Ava’s amused or angry—I’d say a mixture of both—but she makes the drinks in quick order.

“Put those on my tab,” Gina says.

“Will do.”

Gina and the rest of the awesome foursome take their drinks and head toward the back where the pool tables are. That’s usually where they end up, especially when Jesse Pike and his bandmates are here playing pool—which they are. The decor in the pool area hasn’t changed since my father purchased the place decades ago and put up posters of sixties and seventies rock bands.

“Looks like your sister has eyes for the band,” I say to Ava.

“My sister’s a big flirt, as you well know. She’s never serious about any guy.”

“Brianna is all over Jesse,” I say, scanning the back area.

“Is she? That’s an age difference for sure.”

“Yeah, well, whoever she likes, Donny and Dale won’t be happy about it.”

“Why wouldn’t Donny be happy about Jesse? He’s marrying Jesse’s sister.”

“Surely you know that your cousin and Jesse Pike have a rivalry that goes all the way back to high school. Plus, guys are just guys, Ava.” I laugh. “They don’t like older men hanging around their little sisters. Which makes me very glad you don’t have a brother.”

“I have cousins who treat me like a sister. And yeah, I know about Donny and Jesse, but Callie told me she made them get over it.”

“That’s good,” I say, “because Brianna looks pretty intent on nabbing Jesse’s attention this evening. And I know about those cousins who treat you like a sister. I’m pretty sure Brock and Dave will be watching us like a hawk at your parents’ party tomorrow evening.”

“They can mind their own business.”

“Sure they can. But they won’t.” I give her a chaste kiss on her rosy cheek. “That’s just how they are. Overprotective, and it seems the Steels are even more so than most.”

Ava smiles. “I’m kind of pissed off at Brock myself right now. And Dale and Donny for that matter. And my father. And uncle. Hell, let’s just put all the Steel men in that category. Whatever secrets they’re keeping? I’m so done.”

“Hey…” I finger a lock of pink hair. “I’m going to level with you about everything I know. You’re the one who decided to wait until after the party.”

Ava wipes the bar with a damp rag. “True enough. The party. But after that? It’s open season.”

I don’t reply. I don’t blame her. She’s angry and she’s frightened and she feels her family may not be who they say they are.

Speaking of family, the bell on the door jingles, and in walks my father.

I wave to him. “Hey, Dad.”

He takes the one open seat at the bar. “Can you take a break? I need to talk to you.”

“Not really.” I gesture. “Look at this place.”

“Tell you what. I’ll stay and help you and Ava. Where are Laney and Marianne? Johnny?”

“Marianne went out of town for the holiday. Johnny’s unstocking. Laney’s waiting tables. She’s back by the pool tables.”

“Okay.” He darts his gaze around and then lowers his voice. “Seriously. I need a few minutes of your time.”

Something in his voice sends a chill through me. “All right. Hey, Ava?”

Ava walks up to us. “Hi, Mr. Murphy.”

“Hi, Ava. Call me Sean.”

“Okay. Hi, Sean.”

I lay a hand on Ava’s shoulder. “My dad needs to talk to me for a few minutes. You think you can handle the bar? I can grab Laney to help you.”

Ava furrows her brow.

I can’t blame her. She’s sick to hell of all the secrets, and frankly so am I.

“Please?” I whisper in her ear. “He says it’s important.”

She shrugs. “I suppose I could take orders if Laney tends bar. There might be something that I don’t know how to make.”

“Good enough. I’ll go get Laney.”

I walk out from behind the bar to the back where Laney Dooley is taking an order from Jesse Pike and his friends.

“Hey, Lane, I need you behind the bar. Ava’s going to take care of the tables because my dad needs to talk to me for a few minutes.”

“Okay, no problem.” She scribbles on her pad. “I’ll get this order in for you guys, and Ava will bring it back when it’s done.”

Laney follows me, and Ava takes her place waiting tables.

“Okay, Dad,” I say to my father. “I’m all yours.”

“Let’s go back to the office.”