Hastings grunted then bent forward, placing his hands on her desk, boxing in where hers still remained clasped.

“I don’t want him around you.”

“I’m not scared of your father. Daisy’s told me all about him.”

Fury became liquid fire as it pumped through his veins. “He’s not getting close to you. I’ll kill him.”

“I can handle him. You need to focus on Evan, Kimberleigh and Eirian.”

“He’ll try to take you from me.” His words were drenched in possessiveness.

Her smile was slight, but there. “I’m not yours, Hastings. He can’t take from you what you don’t have.”

Everything in him stilled as he processed her words. Took a breath and ran them over in his mind once more. He lifted his lips in a smile as he reached out and cradled the nape of her neck with one hand.

God, her skin was so soft. Perfect, even. Silky smooth beneath his callused touch.

Watching how her lips parted on a small sigh kicked lead to his cock. He would be inside her soon or he was going to lose it. He wanted this woman more than his next breath. And she wanted him too, no matter what she said.

He tugged her closer, until they were barely separated, breaths mingling. “I’ll tell you what I told my brothers, Curls. And what I told you in that bathroom. It’s dangerous to ignore what’s right in front of you.”

Hastings could have sworn her tongue dragged along his lips, teasing him.

“I never said I was ignoring you, Mr. Rhodes. What I said was I don’t fuck military men. And regardless of that, I’m still not scared of your father.”

He lost himself in her gaze for a moment then gave a small shake of his head. “I’m a very controlled man. Mostly. But that man, after growing up how we did, he is a trigger for me, and if what I perceive as danger comes anywhere near you, baby, I’m going to lose my shit. It’s just what it is.”

She opened her mouth but he shook his head once.

“I’m not finished. You can say all you want about there not being an us. I’ll wait for you to see it. In my mind, we’re a fucking given. It’s happening. You and me. Bodies entwined. Exchanging fluids. Hot, dirty, sex.”

Her pupils dilated and he hid his smirk. Yeah, she wanted him.

“Me eating you until you come all over my face. Us fucking everywhere we can. Hard and fast. Slow and drugging. All the ways. I’m going to learn every inch of this body, Curls. Our happening is as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So that’s not even up for debate. What you have to understand is I had to stand and watch that fucker hit my brothers because I was the youngest, the smallest, and they protected me.”

She curled a hand around his wrist as best she could but didn’t try to speak.

“I vowed that won’t happen again. They will never have to take that for me and no woman, especially my woman, will have to be in position where that asshole can threaten her. I would kill him. Do not test me on this.”

Her grip tightened and he felt the answering jolt directly to his cock. It wasn’t like her move was overly sexual, hell, it probably wasn’t in the slightest, but this woman was a walking ad for sex in his mind. Her breathing was a turn-on for him. But she was his, he was supposed to be attracted to every part of her.

“I run this center. We have enough bad press with the attack on Evan and people trying to claim having unhoused veterans living here will be a bad thing. What we need is good press. That means you not rising to your father’s bait when he comes here and tries to provoke a response out of you.”

Without asking, Hastings claimed her mouth. He wanted to lose himself in her soft curves. The lush pillows of her lips. Cradle her to him. Lie between her hips and allow himself to be nestled in her legs, their pelvises aligned.

Did he dream of sliding his cock inside her pussy? Fuck yes. Would he be happy with simply the privilege of holding her? Absolutely. The sex was going to happen, but his entire body relaxed a fraction when she touched him.

“He won’t hurt me, Hastings.” Violet’s voice was low and smooth.

“Damn straight he won’t, he won’t have a chance.” He tried to keep the growl from his voice but knew he failed.

“I’ve met men like your father.”

“No, you haven’t.”

Her grip flexed once more. “I have, actually. I know he made your childhood hell and I’m not discounting or brushing off your experience. But I’ve worked around rich, entitled men before. And my revolving-door mother didn’t exactly bring home good examples of men before she ditched me.”