“Miss Wentz. We need a word with you.”

“Senator Hayes. What a surprise to see you again.” She opened the door to her office. “I’m afraid I am just on my way out. You didn’t make an appointment to see me and I’m very busy. However, you’re in luck. Bradford Rhodes is here, and I’m sure he would love to speak with you.”

He scowled at her before splashing his campaign smile on his face. “Can’t wait to speak with him.”

She caught Hastings’ gaze and gave a small jerk of her head. He nodded. Turning to Paul, she placed her hand on his arm. “I need you to listen to what goes on in there so we can continue to be a step ahead of this parasite.”

“You got it, boss.” He winked at her, and she knew the second she heard the low growl behind her why he’d done it.

Hastings pressed into her, and she swallowed at the feel of his hardness against her. He settled his large hand on the tuck of her waist. “What’s going on?”


“I’ll meet you at the Rover.”

She was by the front door before she realized she’d strode off, listening to him without a thought. Turning back, she paused at the sight of him coming toward her, his determined movement predatory, her pack slung over one broad shoulder.

“Let’s go,” he said, barely slowing to get her moving forward.

Even so, he held the SUV door for her and dragged a hand down her cheek as she buckled her belt. Then he strode around the front and slid behind the wheel.

“What’s going on?” he asked as he got them on the road.

“Dr. Pharo called me and said that while there’s been no change in Evan at the moment, there’s a woman and a child with him.”

She looked at Hastings driving with confidence. There was a furrow between his eyes, but he didn’t take his gaze off the road.

Violet worried her lower lip. “I know he’s not awake yet but was hoping this woman may be able to give us something.”

“Yeah.” His voice was raspy. “I lost touch with him when he got out. I didn’t even know he was in this situation. I fucking would have helped him. Bought him a damn house. But he never said a word!”

Angling herself to him, she reached over the interior and placed her hand on his thigh. Fuck, every part of him is hard. It wasn’t fair that he had no softness on him. But it was more than that right now. He was tense.

“This isn’t your fault, Hastings. I’ve met a lot of military personnel who are private. I’m sure you are. It’s hard to admit that you need help.”

They were at a stoplight and he pounded the wheel. “He’s one of my best friends. What does it say about me that I didn’t know?”

Violet’s heart broke. This side of the man, one he wouldn’t share with others—she knew that instinctively—made her want to pull him into her embrace. She didn’t have the words to make it better for him. All she could do was offer support.

Sliding her hand up his leg, over his side and onto his shoulder, she then dragged it down his arm until her fingers covered his. It took a moment for her to push them under his grip, but she didn’t relent until she got what she wanted. His hand in hers. Then she set their joined hands back on his leg and gave him a small squeeze.

It wasn’t the time for words, for advice she didn’t have the right to give as it hadn’t been solicited. However, this much she could do and she knew it.

The radio, playing jazz, was the only sound in the interior the rest of the way. Neither spoke but she continually put her focus on him. To appease herself on more than one level.

He parked at the hospital and shot her a glare when she went to open the door herself. Hands before her in surrender, she waited, tracking him as he flowed around the hood of the SUV. Then he was there, opening her door.

“You’re still buckled in.”

Holding that incredible graphite gaze, she nodded. “I am.”

He leaned over her and depressed the button.

“Hastings.” Her use of his name fell in a soft whisper.

The man turned to look at her, his firm mouth right there in front of her. And as much as she wanted to pursue the sexual tension between them, that was not what this moment was. Not right now.

“Forgive yourself.”

“Too easy, Curls. I’m not that good of a man.” He pulled back and offered his hand.

She couldn’t ignore the shocks that moved from him to her—or was that the other way?—when they touched.

“We’ll agree to disagree.” She swiped her bag from the floorboard, and he locked the SUV behind them as they headed to the front door.