Page 8 of Alton & Lavinia

“It’s up to you,” I say, taking my seat at the head of the table. She sits down at the opposite end. I can still smell the vanilla, and it’s driving me crazy.

“Kel?” she asks.

“No, I’m good. It smells delish, Lav,” Kelly says.

“Okay, let’s eat while it’s hot.”

Watching her eat should be a fucking crime. She cuts everything in teeny tiny bites and eats them really slowly. She makes soft moaning noises while she does it. My mouth goes dry. Fuck. She’s trying to kill me and is slowly succeeding.

After breakfast, I make myself busy at the church. I hit the gym for the second time today and play a game of basketball with Lewis Bolden, the mechanic. His father bought my father’s shop when my parents won the lottery. Lewis runs it now. A few other guys joined in the game, but I left around six. I went home, took a quick shower, and dressed for Lavinia and my first date. Then I pace the living room waiting for her to be ready.

“Bro, what’s your deal?” Kelly asks, coming into the room.

“What?” I reply.

“You’re gonna wear a hole in the carpet. You don’t need to be nervous. You’ve already got the girl. Isn’t she just the best?”

“Yes,” I say as I hear heels coming down the hallway. I am not at all prepared for what I see when Lavinia enters the room. She’s wearing a low-cut black blouse with poofy sleeves. It’s a little gauzy; you can see her black lacy bra through it. She’s also wearing tight, dark jeans and black high heels, the kind where you can see her toes, which are painted a pale pink like her finger nails. Her blonde hair is teased high, and it’s curly. She’s not wearing a stitch of makeup, and she’s not wearing her glasses. I’ve never seen her without them. She even had them on when she was sleeping this morning. She’s fucking gorgeous.

“Whoa, foxy lady,” Kelly says, moving toward her. “Here’s the clutch you wanted to borrow. The gold zipper goes well with your necklace.” She hasn’t looked at me once, but I can’t stop staring at her.

“Thank you,” she says, taking the clutch and putting her phone and wallet into it. I added her to my bank account and got her a debit card. She’s been depositing the money she’s gotten from working Sadie’s vegetable garden and what she’s made from selling baked goods into the account. She’s never spent a dime more than she’s deposited. I’ve told her she can spend whatever she wants to, but she hasn’t done that yet.

“You two kids have fun. Is it okay if Dixie comes over? She’s new in town. I met her at the gym this morning. I was thinking of having pizza delivered and watching some movies. She might spend the night. I get the impression she hates her house.”

“Sure, as long as it’s okay with her parents. Here’s thirty dollars. Go nuts.”

“Thanks, bro. We’ll make ourselves scarce when you guys get home tonight. Have so much fun.”

“We will. Thank you, Kel,” Lavinia says.

I help her out to my truck. She hops up into the passenger seat without any trouble.

“Dinner first?” I ask.

“I’m easy. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.” What I want to do is pull the truck over and fuck her until she begs me to stop, but I digress. “I have a weird question.”


“Are you a doctor? I remember the judge saying Dr. and Mrs. after we got married, but I never thought to ask.”

“Technically. I have a Ph.D. in theology from Notre Dame.”

“Oh, that’s pretty cool.”

“Thanks. It was a lot of hard work. I finished two years early.”

“That’s quite the accomplishment. Your parents must be so proud. You’ve never told me anything about them. Are they alive?”

“They are, but they are selfish people. They weren’t always as bad as they are now. Though, it’s mostly my mom. They won the lottery ten years ago, and now they travel the world, leaving Kelly with me. She was nine when they left.”

“That must have been tough.”

“We survived.”

“Kelly is great. You did a fantastic job with her. You’ll be a great dad someday.”

“Thank you,” I say as we pull up to the restaurant. “The church is my calling. I love what I do. What about you? What do you want to do with the rest of your life?”

“Oh, you know, no one has ever asked me that before. I suppose I want to be a professional baker. I love the idea that my food could bring a little bit of joy to someone’s life.”

“You could definitely do that. Everything you cook is delicious, but man when you bake, it’s transcendent. What’s your secret ingredient?”

“I’ll never tell. A girl has to have some secrets.”

“From her husband?”