Page 23 of Alton & Lavinia

“I love you too, Alton. So much,” she says, yawning. She easily tires these days.

I pull out of her, and we climb into bed. Tomorrow, we learn the sex of our babies. Right out the gate, my baby is having twins. Though she’s a twin, we didn’t really expect that, but we’re ecstatic. She snuggles close to me, and I breathe in her calming vanilla scent.

My life with Lavinia is perfect and it’s only going to get better.

I come home from poker with the guys. I was just the latest to show around the sonogram pictures we got yesterday. We’re having a boy and a girl. Oliver and Olivia. As soon as I walk into the house, I hear my mother talking to someone in the kitchen. They are still here, though they rented a house nearby, so I am surprised they are here so late. Pops is watching a movie in the living room.

“Hey son,” he says as I walk past him. “Your Mama is in a snit about something, best leave it to the womenfolk.”

“Who is she talking to like that?” I ask, not really making out what she’s saying.

“Lavinia. Kelly is out for the evening.”

“Fuck that.”

“I wouldn’t, boy.”

“Why don’t you stop her from doing shit like this?”

“It’s easier to go with the flow. I tried to curb her mouth in the beginning, but she was a hundred times worse whenever I tried to stop her.”

“That’s fucking ridiculous, Pop. She walks all over you. Over everybody and don’t get me started on what she’s done to Kelly. What you’ve done to her.” I shake my head in disgust as I walk toward the kitchen.

“Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you have to gain weight,” Mom says, quieter now.

“I haven’t gained any more weight than the babies weigh,” Lavinia protests.

“Bullshit. You should come to your senses and leave Alton before these babies are born.”

“Why would I do that? I love him.”

“There’s no way he loves you, you stupid girl.”

“What the fuck is going on in here?” I demand as I walk into the kitchen and pull Lavinia into my arms.

“Nothing. Just girl talk,” Mom says.

“I have tried to be civil about this, Mom, but you go too far after my repeated warnings. Lavinia is my wife. I love her. This is our house, and you will not speak to her like that. I’m sick of it. You wait until I’m not here and you berate her. You do the same thing to Kelly. If it’s not her weight, it’s her hair, it’s the way she cooks, it’s the way she cleans. I have had enough. You can get the fuck out until you learn to be civil.”

“You can’t kick me out,” She replies indignantly.

“Get out,” I repeat.

“I can’t believe you’d choose that fat hussy’s side over mine,” Mom pouts. The toxicity coming off this woman is epic.

“I don’t know how I can make this any clearer. She is my wife. I’m on her side always, as it should be. I won’t tolerate this anymore. Get out until you can be nice to her. She carries your grandchildren, and she is everything to me and that should be enough for you, but nothing ever is.”

“I don’t have to take this. I’m leaving.”

“Good. You can come back when you apologize.”

“Logan!” she shouts.

“What?” Dad says angrily. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard him talk to her like that.

“We’re leaving, let’s go.”

“I’m not happy about this, but I'm coming, because the boy is right, and you know it. I’ve been by your side through every nasty comment and snide remark you’ve ever made. This girl is his wife. How would you feel if my mother spoke to you like this?”

“I wouldn’t like it.”

“Damn right you wouldn’t. Get your coat and let’s go.” Mom leaves the kitchen without another glance at us. “You were right. I’ve let her go unchecked for too long. We’ll be back and she’ll be civil.”

“What are you going to do?”

“What I should have done a long time ago.” He follows after Mom.

“Are you okay, sugar?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I can handle her.”

“I know you can, but you shouldn’t have to.”

“That was very hot you know,” she says, walking her fingers up my arm seductively.

“What was?”

“Watching you tell your Mom off.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. I’m a little achy. Care to take me to bed, husband?”

“Fuck yeah. Always and forever,” I say, leaning down and kissing her. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. In my music app, I hit play. Bryan Adams fills the kitchen.

“It’s our song,” she says, grinning at me. I pull her into my arms and dance around the kitchen, singing along to Everything I Do, I Do It You, close to her ear. I can feel her goosebumps popping up as we move.

I’m going to love this woman for the rest of my life and if I’m lucky she’ll be mine in Heaven too.