Page 13 of Alton & Lavinia

“How do I end my marriage?” I ask, dying a little inside. It hasn’t even been a month yet, but I know that I can’t do this for the rest of my life. God can understand that, can’t He? I don’t understand why He would put this in my path if it were meant to be a disaster. What lesson am I meant to learn? That I should have stayed in my lane and not tried to reach for something… anything more than what I would have had at home?

“What?” the lawyer asks, dumbfounded. Believe me, I am too, so I get it.

“I don’t want to be married to my husband anymore. How can I get out of it?”

“Are you sure you can’t salvage it?”

“Yes. I’m sure. We’re just too different.” I can’t bring myself to tell him that my husband thinks I’m ugly and too big to bed. That would be mortifying.

“Okay. Well, that’s too bad. You guys seemed like a good couple.” What is he basing that on? “There are only two options. Divorce or an annulment. A divorce is pretty straight forward. An annulment will only be granted if one of eight things has occurred. Though the easiest one is if the marriage hasn’t been consummated. Has your marriage been consummated?”

“No,” I admit.

“Okay. It’s just a simple matter of paperwork at this point and then getting it in front of Judge Braeden. Would you like me to start on that?”

“I’m just looking for information right now as to what my options are. Thank you again for seeing me,” I say, chickening out.

“Of course. Come back whenever you’re ready.”

I leave the office and walk back home. It’s not that far. I walk past the town square. There are people decorating it and setting up clear Christmas lights. Tables and chairs go around the square. It’s going to look so pretty when it gets dark out. I check my phone and see that it’s four-thirty in the afternoon, so as soon as I get home, I take a shower and get ready. Tonight I’m wearing a sleeveless peach-colored dress that swishes when I move. I’m pairing it with a pair of navy-blue peep-toe heels.

“You look amazing,” Kelly says as I walk into the living room where she's waiting. She’s wearing a pretty black dress and silver shoes.

“Thank you, and so do you.”

“Pops is driving us. I can’t walk too far in these shoes.”

“Me either.”

“Unfortunately, that means my mom will be joining us,” she whispers as we hear heels clicking down the hallway. My jaw drops when Mrs. Reed flounces into the living room. She’s wearing extremely high stilettos and a silver cocktail dress that splits up her thigh to her hip.

“Dang Mom, you trying to give Pops a heart attack?”

“One should always strive for the wow factor, Kelly. I see neither of you have done that.”

“Thanks, Mom. You’re so supportive, as always.”

“It’s not my job to lie to you, Kelly. You could have tried harder. Living here with the Pudgy Pastry Princess, you’ve gained so much weight.” Pudgy Pastry Princess is a new one. I kind of like The Pastry Princess as the name of my future bakery though…

“Should we go?” I ask, wanting to ditch this woman before I do something unladylike and unChristian. Mrs. Reed walks out the front door.

“Yes. Pops, you ready?”

“Ready,” he says, coming into the living room in a nice suit and tie. “You both look lovely.”

“Thank you,” we say in unison.

We walk out to the car, and Kelly and I sit in the backseat. It only takes about two minutes to reach the parking lot at the bank. We pull in and climb out of the car. There’s already music playing. I don’t see Alton anywhere, but Carter and a younger guy head toward Kelly and me.

“Would you ladies care to dance?” the younger guy asks, holding his hand out to Kelly.

“Hey, Denny. I didn’t know you were back in town.”

“I’m staying with my grandparents now. It’s a long story.”

“I’ll dance with you if you tell it to me some time,” Kelly says, winking at the kid. It seems to me that Kelly flirts really well. Maybe I could learn something from her.

“You got it.” They take off toward the dance floor.

“I want to see my sisters first, but then we can dance. Is that okay?”

“Totally. They have a table over here,” he says, pointing to where they are.

I’m not blind. I know Carter had a crush on me and he is cute, but we’re better as friends. Besides, whether or not my husband wants me, I’m still a married woman. For now at least.

I don’t see the harm in dancing with the man though.

Chapter Seven


With every word coming out of Deacon Picard’s mouth, my heart does some pretty stupid shattering shit. That’s a new fucking feeling. When have I ever cared about a woman so much that it hurts? Never, that’s when. I’m surprised by how much the thought of Lavinia leaving me hurts. Would she just have had me served? Or would she have told me herself that she was breaking her vows? Finally, the old man stops talking, and I can get a word in edgewise.