Page 11 of Alton & Lavinia

“What’s the name of this song?” I whisper after really listening to the words. I love it.

“Everything I do, I Do It For You. It was from the old Robin Hood movie with Kevin Costner.” I’ve never seen it, but I don’t say anything.

“It’s nice.”

“It is.”

We sway for the entirety of the song. When it changes to another song, the spell between us is broken. We step apart and finish the dishes.

Afterward, I tell him goodnight, head into our bedroom, grab a pair of pajamas I really don’t want to wear, but I guess I should, and take a shower. When I come back out into the bedroom, he’s already in bed. He’s sitting against the headboard, shirtless. Reading a book.

“Forced By The Alien?” I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him as I get into bed with him. Obviously, I’ve never been in bed with a man before. I’m pretending to be confident, but I am a mess of nerves.

“Your Kindle synced up with the Alexa in the living room. I accidentally bought what was in your cart. I was going to give them to you, but I’ll admit, I was intrigued. This kind of smut is what you read all the time?”

“Are you judging me?” I ask, sinking down into the bed and pulling the covers over me.

“No, just curious.”

“Oh, well, yes. I like it.”

“What do you like about it?”

“I suppose the alpha-holeness of the guys in the stories.”

“Possessive men turn you on?”

“I… I really have no idea what turns me on. I just know that I like it.” I admit. I reach over to the nightstand and grab my Kindle. I pick up where I left off in Bad Preacher. Eventually, we both settle down for the night, a good foot between us in the big bed.

When we wake up in the morning, I am snuggled into his chest, and his arms are wrapped around me; our feet are tangled up too. It’s almost hard to believe that he doesn’t find me attractive.

I guess we’re just going to pretend that didn’t happen, either…

Chapter Five


We’ve talked and danced in the kitchen each evening for the last week. She feels so fucking good in my arms. So soft. So perfect. I crave her when she’s not with me. We’ve woken up each morning tangled together as well. It’s the best part of my day. We haven’t talked about that, but maneuvering myself out of bed with a rock-hard cock is almost impossible. Going to bed with one, too, is also new. We’ve taken to reading her smutty books out loud to each other in bed. I don’t know why we do it. I don’t even remember how it started, but there is something about the way her voice gets when she’s reading those filthy fucking words to me. I want to be possessive with her, even worse than the men in her books.

She doesn’t seem to be as affected by the words as I am. I am dying to act them out with her, except for the alien one. Unfortunately, I don’t have two cocks to pleasure her with, but the one I do have will do nicely. Eventually.

I’m in the shower, jerking off yet again because all I want to do is sink balls deep into my wife, but she has given me no indication that she wants me to do that. We’ve spent so much time together. She’s really helping out at church, and she’s joined some community groups as well. She works with her sister’s up at Jasper and Sadie’s place. She bakes up a storm, and she keeps this house a home.

The more time I spend with her, the more I fall in love with her. There, I’ve admitted it, to myself at least. I get dressed and follow the scent of bacon to the kitchen. I hear my dad snoring as I walk past the closed bedroom door. I hate that my parents are still here. I can’t take it anymore. My mom barely speaks to Lavinia, and it’s pissing me off. Lavinia is too nice to say anything about it, but I’m at my breaking point. I’m almost fully down the hallway when I hear my mother whispering harshly. She’s clearly talking to Lavinia.

“You’re never going to keep a man like Alton unless you go to the gym. Let me buy you a membership.”

“No, thank you, Mrs. Reed. I’ve already got one.” She does? Since when? “I go with Kelly three to four times a week.” Ah. That makes sense. Kelly hates going to the gym alone. I’m sure it was very easy to convince Lavinia to go with her.

“Are you always so fucking lazy? You’d be so pretty if you lost weight, you know that, don’t you?” I’ve had enough. If Lavinia won’t say anything, then I will. I step into the kitchen and move to stand by Lavinia.