It takes her a few moments to come down from her high, but she continues her slow rubbing, eyes darkening with lust so tangible, I can taste it in the air.

“Aren’t you going to fuck me?”

I raise a brow. “Didn’t you just orgasm?”

“Mmmm,” she moans softly as I pinch her nipples one last time before I release her.

Her gaze sobers up. “What… Why?”

“Because I’m not a rapist, Lenochka.” I brush a stray strand of hair from her eyes. “Sleep. I’ll deal with you in the morning.”

She shakes her head. “It’s not rape if I want to.”

“You want to? I thought you only wanted to get rid of me.”

“That, too. If you fuck me, it’ll be over.”

“Who says it will?”

Her brow furrows, but I don’t elaborate on my words.

She said that I make her do things she doesn’t usually do.

That makes two of us.



Strong hands wrap around me, carrying me, holding me.

I’m about to fall into a feeling, something I’ve never experienced before. Something that I had in my little girl fantasies.

But then, my wrists are held above my head in a steel-like hold. My eyes snap open and I find a shadowy figure hovering over me, pinning me to the mattress.

It’s dark, but I can make out the contours of his face.

Those hard features and that calm façade. Those intense eyes and the set of his jaw.

My dark stranger. The killer. The tormentor.


My body goes completely slack underneath him as he kicks my legs apart with his knee. His free hand tears my underwear and then he slams inside me with a feral force. I cry out, my back arching off the bed.

He rams into me as if he’s intent on hurting me, as if he’s punishing me with every ruthless thrust. His groin slaps against my flesh with the savage power of his hips, filling the air with ominous intention and crashing against my chest.

“You like that, don’t you, Lia?” His voice is like velvet but with a hidden undertone. “You like being taken hard like a dirty little slut.”

I shake my head, opening my mouth to speak, but he flattens a palm over it, muffling my words.

“Yes, you do. You were touching yourself to me just now. Look at how your cunt is strangling my dick.”

I shake my head again, tears stinging my eyes. I refuse to think I’m that type of person. I refuse to think of myself as someone who gets off on such perverse acts.

But with every word out of his sinful mouth, my core tingles and my head turns dizzy. Being immobilized like this adds a scary type of anticipation. Any sounds I make come out muffled, haunting.

But he doesn’t release me.