“Don’t touch him! Leave!”

“I can’t…” I’m crying now, my voice hoarse with how much I’m trying to form into words that I never wanted this. I never thought about taking her place or her name or her husband.

She lunges toward me and I cross my hands in front of my face to protect it. But she doesn’t reach me. Instead, a gurgling sound emerges in the silence.

I peek from between my fingers and gasp as a patch of blood explodes on Lia’s nightgown, something sharp protruding from her abdomen—a knife.

A large body stands behind her, the one who stabbed her, and I think it’s one of the guards, but his face is shadowed.

Lia’s neck lolls in an unnatural position, but her eyes remain on me, watching me, following me, creeping me out of my damn skin.

It’s like she wants to drag me with her to whatever place she’s going.

I slam a palm over my mouth to muffle a gasp, but a harsh metal thing hits my lips.

Confused, I stare down at my hand and find my fingers wrapped around a gun.

What the…?

“Pull the trigger,” the shadow behind Lia whispers. His voice is monotone, almost robotic. “You have one mission.”

“Pull the trigger on who?” No clue why that question escapes me, because it doesn’t matter. I won’t do it.

“I killed this bitch for you. Pull. The. Trigger.”

I shake my head violently, but then sinister laughter escapes the shadow. It’s long and grates on my nerves like fingernails scratching on the walls of my brain.

“Stop it,” I hiss.

“You already took a life. What’s one more?”


“But can’t you see? It’s already done.”


“Your gun.”

I stare at my hand and watch with horror as my gun aims and my finger presses the trigger.

Straight into Adrian’s chest.

He doesn’t even stir as a blotch of blood covers his shoulder and chest, then forms a pool around him, soaking the sheets.

“Nooo!” I shriek and my world goes black.






A gurgling sound echoes in the air as if someone is choking on their own blood.