Jeremy, however, has spent most of his time with Lia, who only speaks English, and, therefore, he gets confused when I talk to him in Russian. While that will change in the future, I won’t force him to understand now. It’s the worst time to add to his stress.

“Your mom just fell asleep.”

“Really?” He sniffles.


“But…but you said she was spending a long time on a trip. Does this mean the trip is over, Papa?”

“It is, Malysh.”

“And she’ll be here every day?” His voice breaks as hope soars in his huge eyes.

My attention slides to her motionless body before I focus back on my son. “Every day.”

“Promise, Papa?”


“You always keep your word.”

“I do. She’ll see you tomorrow, all right?”

He turns his head away, huffing. “I won’t see her.”

“Are you still mad at her?”

“Aren’t you, Papa?” He sniffles and wipes his tears with the back of his hand. “She left without saying goodbye.”

“But she’s here now.”

“I still won’t see her.” He stomps up the stairs, his small body emanating more energy than a kid twice his age.

He definitely has his mother’s temper.

Still carrying Lia, I approach the entrance and I click the intercom that connects with Kolya’s radio. “Come inside and make sure Jeremy goes to sleep.”

“Yes, sir.”

I take her upstairs two steps at a time and head to the master bedroom. When I place her on the high platform bed, I allow her head to fall softly on the pillow.

She doesn’t stir as I slowly remove her shoes and put them at the foot of the bed. A few cuts cover her ankles and the soles of her feet are rough to the touch. They’re also cold, so I lay them on the bed and pull the duvet up to cover them. When I maneuver her to remove her coat, she still doesn’t show any reaction.

I hold her hands in mine and stare at the blisters that shouldn’t be on her skin. They’re freezing, too, as if her brain still thinks she’s sleeping on the streets, in dirty, cold parking garages.

Lifting her palms to my mouth, I blow on them until they’re warm enough, then slide them under the covers. I’m about to make her more comfortable when a knock sounds on the door.

I pull the duvet to her chin and take one last look at her face. “I’ll be right back, Lenochka.”

After stepping out, I slowly close the door behind me, making sure not to make a sound.

Kolya is standing in the hall, his frame blocking my view and his brow furrowed.

“Is Jeremy asleep?”

“Yes, but he was stressed.” He pauses.

“If you have something to say, say it, Kolya. I don’t have all night.”