Page 75 of Arming Alexis

"Yes, you do." I leaned closer, my face hovering just above hers. "I know you do. Now tell us, and I won't harm Lilly."

I wouldn't harm a hair on the girl's head, but Lenora didn't know that. I was a convincing psychopath when I wanted to be. Only my pack saw my true self and knew I would rather cut off my dick than harm an innocent child.

Because that child had once been me. Drug addict parents had abandoned me, left to my own devices when I was just eight. There were many things I'd done that I wasn't proud of. But I survived to become a man who was staunch in his convictions.

"He's been spending a lot of time with this omega bitch." Lenora spat out a mouthful of blood, and I moved just in time to avoid it falling on my shoes. Disgusting. "Annalou-lou or somefing like that. Likes to take her down to the Wiggle Room."

The Wiggle Room. Another disgusting place. No wonder Allegro liked to hang out down there. It was probably where he got his drug supply.

"Get rid of her." I turned my back on the foul woman, not sparing her a second glance as I nodded at Luca before leaving the room.

Her scream echoed behind me until I slammed the door on the room, cutting off all my association with the foul woman. She reminded me too much of my mother for my tastes. I shuddered, desperately wanting to get back to my mate and pack.

I typed out a quick message for Cormac and Antonio.

Me: He's at the Wiggle Room. Goes there with Annaleise. Waiting for L and R to finish up, then go there.

Antonio: Good, I want them both alive. We'll meet you at the safe house when you're done.

Cormac: I'm going to enjoy torturing them. They've hurt our omega. Make sure to save some for me.

Me: They need to pay.

Antonio: They will, I promise.

Reluctantly, we agreed to let Alexis join us in questioning them. It was our compromise to keep her away from Lenora. That woman wasn't worthy of being in Alexis' presence, and I was glad I stood my ground on refusing to let her come.

I waited several minutes before the two passenger side doors opened, and the twins slid inside. "Is it done?" I asked, putting on my sunglasses.

"Yeah. Let's get to the Wiggle Room and get these assholes." Luca sighed. "I need to get home to Amelia."

Roberto grunted his approval.

Two hours later, we pulled back into the underground garage of the safe house. Similar to the one compromised the night Antonio was injured, this one was complete with an underground garage, basement, and full house on the main level. It was located approximately twenty minutes outside town and was purchased using several shell corporations to keep it off the radar.

It was our most secret location and it was only to be used in cases of extreme emergencies.

Like now.

I exited the SUV and lifted Annaleise like a flour sack, throwing her over my shoulder with little care. Roberto grabbed Allegro.

Antonio's cousin was still awake but bleeding profusely from a wound on the back of his head. One of his eyes swelled shut, and the gunshot wound to his kneecap steadily dripped blood onto the concrete floor.

Shooting him in the leg ensured he wouldn't go far on the off chance he could escape.

I'd shoot him in the back of the head before I allowed him to escape.

Once we secured the two idiots in their cells, handcuffing them to a metal table so they couldn't move, I let Antonio and Cormac know it was safe to come down.

I ground my teeth, unease coiling low in my belly at the thought of Alexis seeing us torture them. She was made of stern stuff, but how would she react to seeing us give in to our violent tendencies?

I moved back to the garage and waited for them. My nerves were getting the best of me. Something that had never been an issue before. I couldn't bear the thought of Alexis thinking differently of me.

I was at the door when Cormac pulled in before he stopped. I opened it and gathered Alexis into my arms. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she clung to me. "Are you okay?" She asked, drawing back with curiosity creasing her brows.

"Just happy to see you." I kissed her forehead.

Cormac grabbed Antonio's crutches and helped him get out before eyeing me. Knowing crept into his emerald eyes as his gaze moved between Alexis and me. He could always see right through me.