Page 72 of Arming Alexis

"I was approached a couple of months ago by a man and a woman." She shuddered, and Roberto bent to kiss her temple. "I have a brother and a sister I'm raising after our parents died. My sister has diabetes, and I'm her only caregiver.” She takes a moment to compose herself, her emotional turmoil evident. “This man and woman threatened my sister. If I didn't do what they wanted me to, they'd take her."

Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. I reached out to grip Antonio's hand, seeking comfort in my mates. Amelia did the same, clinging to Luca and Roberto as she continued speaking.

"I had to get into the financial records and get all of the reports for certain transactions. I didn’t know what their reasoning behind it was. I just did what they told me. I knew I had to, or they'd take Greta away."

"It's okay, Amelia," I reassured her. "We don't blame you for any of this."

Cormac grunted his approval. "We'll make sure your siblings are safe from now on. You're under our protection."

She nodded, more tears cascading down her cheeks. "Thank you. I was scheduled to get them more logs tomorrow, but I couldn't get into the mainframe to pull up the transactions. I know when I go there empty handed, they'll kill me." She turned and buried her face into Luca's chest.

"We won't let that happen," Antonio vowed. "Now, what can you tell me about the two? Did they give you their names? What did they look like?"

"The man was Allegro. I remembered it because it was such an unusual name."

Antonio stiffened against me, a growl reverberating in his throat.

Amelia whimpered, and he silenced the growling.

"I apologize, Amelia," Antonio ducked his head. "Allegro is my cousin, someone I thought was loyal to me. To hear of his betrayal is difficult to comprehend right now."

"I'm so sorry," she wailed. "I love my job, and I never wanted to do this. I only did it for my sister and brother."

"Shhh," Luca hushed. "They don't blame you, little one. I told you that. We're all here to protect you now."

"Luca is correct." Antonio stiffened. "I won't let anyone harm you. You're family now, and as such, you'll have the full backing of the Cavalori family. Miko, secure her brother and sister and take them to the safe house."

"Already happening, boss." Miko sank onto the couch beside me. "Amelia, we've got them both, and they'll be waiting at Luca and Roberto's when you get back there, okay?"

She nodded. "Thank you for understanding. Luca and Robby said you'd be like this, but I didn't dare to hope. My life has been a series of one disaster after another."

I reached across the space between us to grasp her hand. "Trust me. Omega to omega, no harm will come to your siblings or you. But we will need your help to catch the two."

"Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it."

"Good. Now, tell me about the woman." Antonio pulled out his phone and scrolled through it for a picture of Annaleise. "Was this her?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes. I saw them both three days ago when they gave me the list of logs they wanted me to pull up."

Three days ago?

"Are you sure it was this woman?" Antonio clutched his phone so tightly in his palm I was afraid the screen was about to crack.

"Yeah, she looked a bit different. Paler and she was wearing a scarf and jacket." Amelia tilted her head to the side. "I thought it was so weird because it was, like, eighty degrees, and here she is in this thick coat with a scarf on."

"Thank you, Amelia." Antonio nodded. "You've been a tremendous help. The second they make contact to arrange to get the logs, we'll be there to find them."

Luca and Roberto gathered Amelia up, and they left.

“That photo you showed Amelia,” I turned to Antonio. “It was Anneleise, wasn’t it?”

His nod was grim, his lips tight.

“Fuck!” Miko shouted as he leapt to his feet. “I thought that bitch was dead!”

“As did I.” Antonio’s jaw clenched and released, turmoil brewing behind his eyes.

If Annaleise was still alive and behind all of this, then the situation was going to get even uglier.