Page 53 of Arming Alexis

"For her protection, yeah, we know," I interrupted. "She knows that, but it's still a lot for a person to come to terms with, especially with you now being back in her life. She doesn't know what to think or feel.”

“Fuck.” Antonio scrubbed his hands over his face, cursing the whiskers once again. “I need to talk to her.”

“Give her tonight to decompress.” I held up a hand when he tried to speak. “She’s barely left your side in the three days you’ve been unconscious. She needs to rest and process things.”

“I heard her when she spoke to me. She brought me back, I fucking know it.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “What did she say to you?”

“She asked me to come back to her.” He closed his eyes and breathed deep, his face twisting with emotion. “It was like I was floating through a sea of memories. But at the end of each sequence was her voice.”

I contemplated what he said, wondering if it could really happen.

I suppose anything was possible in a world with alphas, betas, and omegas.

"Miko and I told Alexis what she means to us," I began, knowing it was best to tell him the whole truth before Miko blurted it out like a fucking fool. "We told her that we all wanted her. That she is meant to be ours now and forever."

His amber eyes hardened, but he nodded. "How did she react to that?"

I shrugged. "About as well as when she ran away from you. We need to reassure her. Tell her there isn't anyone else, and there won't ever be. She's our end game, Antonio. She needs to hear it from us, and often."

I then pinned him with a look. "Especially by you, Antonio. You broke her when you left. Somehow, she found her strength and put herself back together again, but it was never the same. She has scars, Antonio. Deep, lingering scars that rule her life and make her cautious of all things. We may have to move cautiously and give her time to get her with us fully."

He ran a hand through his hair. "You're right. I know you are. But I've been fighting for this time for so long. I've done so much to get here. Everything I've done in the last ten years has been to get Alexis back."

“Then you need to tell her that. Show her how much you need her. Then, maybe you can figure out how to get her to forgive you."

Determination crossed over his features as he clenched his jaw. “I suppose that's the best way to put it.”

"It is. Now get some rest and let your meds kick in. Dinner will probably be ready in an hour or so." I stretched out my neck, tilting it from side to side until I heard the crack of the bones releasing tension and the stretching of my muscles. "Need to go and figure out if Miko is going to burn down my kitchen or not."



Cormac left shortly after our conversation, letting me rest as the medication worked its way through my body, making me sleepy.

I cursed my leg, which caused me pain every time I tried to move around.

I would have rather had any other injury, but this? Not being able to get out of bed or move on my own? It was fucking torture.

A torture made worse by the fact that Cormac wouldn’t bring me my laptop.

Or the fact that Alexis was in her room and didn’t want to see me.

I wasn’t sure which was worse.

“Fuck.” I shifted uncomfortably and laid my hand just above the top edge of my cast to massage the sore muscles.

Despite the pain medication trying to work and lull me into sleep, I fought it. My mind was spinning, trying to devise a plan on how I would get Alexis back here. In my room. In my bed. In my life.

Where she belonged.

Did she think we would just go back to our regular lives? Because that was the furthest thing from the fucking truth. It was time for her to be back in my life and be with all of us.

Cormac and Miko told her that she was ours forever. But I hadn't told her so. At least, not properly. There was no one else for me. There wouldn't ever be. Now, I just had to show her so that she would believe me.

My effort was all for naught as I drifted off to sleep again.