Page 45 of Arming Alexis

His idiotic sons were still fighting over who would take power.

But they didn't know that he hated them all and had hinted at me taking over.

Fuck, he'd groomed me for it from day one. Even under the guise of me taking over my father's part of the operation, it was more than that, and we both knew it.

"We can't risk her safety." Why did he always have to be the reasonable one? At least when it came to this.

"Let's go." With one final glance, I drank in Alexis' soft features before turning around and walking away again.

* * *

I was stillunable to open my eyes, but I heard her soft voice filled with pain and emotion.

"Cormac, what are we going to do? He hasn't woken up."

"We're doing everything we can. Doc got him all patched up and said there is no bleeding or swelling in his brain. His body just needs some time to get right before he'll wake up."

The sound of her sobs pierced my soul. I fought with every ounce of strength I had to open my fucking eyes, but still, they remained closed. My internal scream reverberated around in my head, mournful and agonizing.

It echoed in my ears even after my consciousness faded.

I'll come back to you,Tesoro.I promise.



As I held Antonio’s hand, watching the rise and fall of his chest to convince myself he was still alive, a flood of tears streamed down my face. I'd camped at his bedside since he came home and we had learned of the events at their safe house.

Annaleise was dead.

That was the woman who sent me the message from the Omega Syndicate. Miko explained that he'd cloned my phone as a precaution when I came here. So he knew about the message already.

He'd found out the morning after they'd slept with me–slept as insleeping. Oral pleasure didn’t count as sex.

"Go take a shower, then nap." Miko handed me a cup of tea and sat down in the chair beside me. "You need it."

"Are you saying I stink?" I took a sip of the tea, eyeing him over the cup's rim.

He let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "No, but you need to go and relax for a bit and get some sleep. It's been three days."

"I want to be here when he wakes up."


I had to use the word “when,” because it was just a matter of “when.” I needed him to open his eyes and say my name in his intoxicating accent. Or better yet, call meTesoroas he kissed me.

"Alexis, go. If there are any signs, I'll go get you straight away. Deal?"

I nibbled on my bottom lip, contemplating his proposal. He was right; I needed to take a shower and get some sleep. My lips parted on a long yawn, and as Miko pinned me with another telling stare, I threw my hands in the air. "Fine. But any twitches of his hands or eye flutters–”

"And I will come and carry you in here immediately."

Nodding, I squeezed Antonio's hand before rising to my feet.

The shower was soothing, exactly what I needed to try and loosen my muscles and calm my mind. It didn't fully calm me down, but enough that the exhaustion of the last few days set in.

After I got out from under the hot spray, I didn't bother with clothes or drying my hair. I fell into bed and sleep took me before my head hit the pillow.