Page 42 of Arming Alexis

Cormac let me go, following closely behind me as I entered the kitchen. The delicious aroma of Italian herbs mixed with the melting cheese and sauce wafted around us. My mouth watered and my stomach let out another damn gurgle of hunger. Freaking hell, that was annoying.

I shook my head, placing my hand over my belly to stifle the sounds.

"Sit down, and I'll bring you a plate." Cormac jerked his chin toward the dining room table.

"You going to bring me some too?" Miko shouted as he leaned back in his chair. His smug grin, probably second nature to him, was plastered all over his face.

With my head held high, a wicked intent filtered through to the forefront of my mind. As I got to my seat, I casually put my hand on the corner of his chair and pressed down.

Unable to stop the sudden movement, Miko went tumbling backward, the chair clattering to the floor with him still in it.

He stared up at me, shock rippling across his face as I burst into laughter.

“Nice to see you’re entertaining yourself,” Cormac shook his head, mirth dancing in his eyes. He set two plates on the table.

Cormac reached down and held a hand out for Miko, who took it with a shake of his head. “Can’t believe she did me dirty like that.”

“Maybe now you’ll fucking pay attention and stop tipping in your chair as Antonio told you to.” Cormac slapped the back of Miko’s head before he disappeared into the kitchen again.

At the mention of Antonio, confusion swept through me. “Where is Antonio?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

Miko cleared his throat and ignored me to right his chair and sit back down. He looked down at his plate of food, not responding.

My brow furrowed, and a strange dread swept through my lower belly, making me place a hand over it. This time it was not from hunger.

There was something that smelled rotten, and it wasn’t the food.



Iheard Alexis’ question and Miko’s lack of a reply.

The truth was, we didn’t know where Antonio was. He hadn’t checked in for hours.

Taking a moment, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and typed out a quick message.

Me: You missed your check-in. Status?

I stared at the screen for several moments, waiting for the bouncing dots to appear, but they never did.


Notgood. Antonio always replied. As much as I wanted to punch him in the face half the time, he always kept in contact when going out on business.

I shouldn’t have let him go with Roberto and Luca. They were impulsive and went off half-cocked constantly in their thirst for blood.

With a shake of my head, I grabbed the bottle of wine and went back into the dining room.

Alexis eyed me curiously as I filled her wine glass, then mine, before sitting down next to her.

"Dig in." I jerked my chin toward her plate.

"You really shouldn't miss Cormac's lasagna, Robin. It's to die for." Miko groaned as he took a bite, over-exaggerating the gesture as he did most things in his life. Although my pride swelled as I knew he enjoyed my cooking. It was one of my favorite things to do and it gave me a purpose.

"Do you know where Antonio went?" Alexis asked me curiously as she picked up her fork and took a small bite of the salad.

"I'm not sure." It wasn't exactly a lie. I was curious to know which safe house they would have gone to or if they'd even been able to find Annaleise.