What was Miko talking about? That I didn’t have any idea? About what?
I rubbed a hand over my forehead as I sank back down onto the plush mattress. The room smelled of the alphas and the fading aroma of our arousal. My senses were on overdrive, but my body was exhausted.
My eyelids drooped as a deep sigh escaped me. I rolled over in the bed and curled up into a ball with my head on the pillow. My gaze landed on the broth bowl and my stomach heaved a distressed grumble.
Reluctantly, I reached for it and began to sip the now cold liquid slowly. But it still filled my belly and made the aching hunger begin to recede.
The tea was lukewarm, the scent soothing as I drank.
Once finished, I grabbed the dishes and carefully crept from the room. I looked around, searching for the alphas as I worked in the direction of where I thought the kitchen would be.
Along the way, I couldn’t help but stop and gawk at the large windows facing the city and lake. It was breathtaking, and I couldn’t even imagine how much a condo like this would have cost. We were in the heart of the city, and at least fifty floors up, probably even more. It was baffling considering I was living on the outskirts of a suburb in a refurbished factory.
Now, I was in a whole different world.
I shook my head and quickly made my way to the kitchen. After rinsing off the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher, I stood in front of the wall of windows again.
The sun had just made its way down over the horizon, and the lights of the many buildings illuminated the city. I’d always loved the city.
Memories assaulted me as I wrapped my arms around my middle.
* * *
“Tony, where are you taking me?”I laughed and tried to pull up the blindfold he’d secured around my eyes, but he grasped my wrists to stop me.
“I told you, it’s a surprise, angel.” He kissed my forehead and dropped my hands. I heard the car struggle to life, and then we were off.
Tony fiddled with the radio until the hard bass of Linkin Park filtered through the speakers. We sang along to the music, and happiness swelled within me, despite the lyrics that normally made me think of my past.
I reached out, entwining our fingers. Tony lifted our joined hands and kissed my knuckles before placing my hand overtop his thigh.
We drove for several minutes, my nerves causing my leg to bounce up and down.
“Hey,” Tony squeezed my fingers in reassurance. “Take your blindfold off. I’m realizing how stupid it was to make you wear it.”
A smile tilted my lips, and I used my free hand to tug the scrap of fabric off my head. “Thanks. Anxiety doesn’t like being blind.”
“I know,Tesoro. I should have been thinking.” He lifted our hands to once again kiss my knuckles.
My eyes trailed around the rapidly passing scenery, and immediately realized where we were.
Heading into the city.
I started bouncing in my seat as excitement spread through me. “Are we going to see the lights?”
Tony chuckled. “You’ll see.”
I tried to contain myself as we sped along the highway and approached the city.
Tall buildings spread over the view from the windshield, and I marveled at the various shapes and colors.
“One day, I want to be rich and have a fancy penthouse overlooking the whole city.”
“I’ll get it for you. I promise.”
* * *
I snappedout of the memory as the sound of a clearing throat reached my ears. Whirling around, I met with Cormac, the third alpha of the trio and the one that brought me the soup and tea.