Page 15 of Arming Alexis

“Fuck, I hate her,” Miko growled when she was out of earshot. His upper lip peeled away from his lip as he snarled before turning to me. “Such a fucking cunt. I need to kill her, boss man. One day you need to let me choke her and then slit her throat.”

Miko sure was bloodthirsty today. I’d need to watch him before he got too out of control.

Miko on a blood bender was not a good thing. Trust me. I’d cleaned up enough bodies from his little sprees to last me a lifetime.

That was saying something, considering I’d grown up and cut my teeth as part of the alpha-led mafia that ran the west coast.

“I’d even help you kill her,” Cormac’s lips were drawn downward in a scowl as he watched Annaleise’s car drive away.

Now that one surprised me. Cormac was more the peacekeeper in our little threesome.

But the hatred for Annaleise ran deep.

“Fuck her.” I approached Lexi and knelt before her chair. I let my icy mask melt from my face for the first moment since I arrived as I gathered one of her hands into mine.

Her head slumped onto her shoulder, and I saw several bruises forming on her legs. My jaw clenched, and my teeth ground against each other as frustration rolled through me.

I knew it was best she be sedated, especially with Annaleise and her attitude. The Omega Syndicate bitch wanted me; there was no doubt about it.

But I’d rather fuck a praying mantis that would kill me after. Or maybe something with teeth in its vagina.

That’s how much I despised that insane bitch. Maybe she needed to get some dick, or someone to replace that stick that was shoved up her ass with a plug. Orgasms could do wonders for a person’s disposition.

“How much did you give her?” I asked Miko, without lifting my gaze from my lost omega.Alexis.

“Only as much as we talked about. Shouldn’t be more than an hour before she wakes.” Miko came to kneel beside me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched him. His dark eyes softened as he looked at her, and surprise made my brows arch.

I knew he was obsessed with Alexis, but Miko didn’t have tender feelings. Not for anyone but me and Cormac.

Even that was a stretch sometimes. Yeah, he let me fuck him, but that was about domination and control. He craved letting go of it at times, hence his switch attitude.

But this was beyond that. Miko looked pained as he ran his fingertips over the dark bruises forming on her thighs. “Fuck, I didn’t mean to mark her. Not like this. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to see our marks of possession on her, but only after we make her ours.”

I nodded but didn’t speak.

“I’m sorry, boss.”

Turning to look at him, I tilted my head. “Are you apologizing, Miko?”

“Yeah.” He tugged at the hair piled on top of his head in a man bun. He hated that term, but it was the only way to describe it. “I know the world is coming to a fucking end, me apologizing for marking a female. But there’s something about her. I don’t want to mark her without consent.”

“But with consent?” I asked, my cock twitching at the thought of Miko and I marking Alexis together. Teasing her with his knife. The blade's edge danced across her skin and left behind a thin line.

“Fuck,” Miko groaned, biting his bottom lip. I’m sure the same images were dancing through his head.

“How will we get her to go along with this?” Cormac queried as he made his way into my field of vision. “Annaleise will be watching, so don’t we need to get her to the designated safe house?”

Despite the dire situation, a small smile twitched at the corners of my lips. “Did you look at the address on the safe house?”

“No? Why would I?” Cormac crossed his arms over his chest and eyed me curiously.

“Because it’s one of our properties. The penthouse downtown. We will be there with our little omega the whole time.” My fingertips traced her cheekbone down to her lips. The temptation to lean in and kiss her was strong, but not the time. “We’ll work on making her ours in every possible way.”

“You’ve thought this whole thing through, haven’t you?” Miko eyed me with a wicked glint in his obsidian eyes. “Five steps ahead of the Syndicate.”

“Yep.” I looked at my beautiful Lexi again. “I’ve spent the last ten years without her, and six months planning this. I won’t waste another second fucking it up.”

“Good,” Cormac grunted. “Now, let’s get this shit set up so we don’t waste all the time you spent planning. The Syndicate is cunning; they won’t hesitate to gut us if they suspect anything.”