Page 64 of Arming Alexis

I kissed her once again, our lips brushing with exquisite slowness. The tender moment stretched before us, and my heart sang as her words played repeatedly in my head. She loved me. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, to dance around the room with her in my arms as we celebrated.

"So perfect." I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes briefly, just savoring the moment.

After it was safe to withdraw from her, I did and rolled over onto my back before pulling her against my side.

"Mmm," Miko purred as he sandwiched her on the other side. "Almost my turn."

"Let her rest a bit before you start pawing at her." I slapped away his hand when he went to delve between her legs.

"I just need a few minutes to recover." A yawn stretched her lips wide before she snuggled further against me.

"Take a nap, Princess. None of us are going anywhere. We have the rest of our lives to knot you." Miko kissed her shoulder, and as he gazed down at her, the love that radiated from him surprised me. I knew Miko was an emotional man, but before Alexis, he'd never been so caring and compassionate with anyone before.

Yet, with her, he was sweet and attentive. He still teased her mercilessly, but there was a smile on his face when he did so. A smile that reached his eyes and brightened his entire face. I'm sure it was a similar look to the one I had plastered on my face since Alexis came into our lives. Despite what had happened since she arrived, I couldn't find it in me to hate them. Because it meant she was here.

Just like Antonio had said, it was all for her.; to keep her here with us.

"Rest." I kissed her forehead again and tightened my arms around her. "We'll be here when you wake up."

A deep sound of contentment rumbled in her chest as her eyes fluttered closed. Her breathing evened out as she immediately fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open a couple of hours later. Panic momentarily gripped me as I didn't feel Alexis in my arms. But she'd just rolled over to snuggle with Miko. I yawned, and a smile spread over my lips as they clung to each other in sleep.

"It's disgustingly adorable, isn't it?"

I turn to see Antonio staring at Miko and Alexis curled together.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat quietly. "I've never seen him so happy. It's like he's an entirely different person."

Antonio nodded. "We all are. She makes us better men. Better alphas."

"How's your leg?" I swung my legs onto the floor and sat up to face him.

His brows lifted in a 'how do you think?' look.

"Let me go grab you some meds. You need to keep up with them. Not going to do you any good to keep the pain from us and overdo it." I stretched out my arms and searched for my pants before rising.

"Would you pass this up?" He held his hand out toward Alexis.

"Not in a million years."

"Exactly." He barked out a laugh. His eyes darkened as he continued to gaze at our mate. "I'm cursing this leg up and down because I would give anything to be inside her right now. To take her into my arms."

I nodded, slipping my pants on and coming to stand beside him. I laid a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently. "I know how much you're hurting right now, and I don't mean just physically. But I think we both know that she isn't going anywhere. So we have all the time in the world."

Sighing, Antonio nodded. "Yeah, but that doesn't help me right now."

"Well, gather your patience and hold onto it." I chuckled. "I have a feeling we'll all need it, because this ride isn't over. We still have to control the threat to our business and reforge our alliance with the Syndicate if it's even salvageable."

He scrubbed a hand over his face. "I need to find my secondary contact, but to do that, I would need my laptop." He glared at me, knowing full well the reason why I refused to give him his laptop.

"You need to rest for another day before I give you your laptop. Because I know once I do, you'll stay up all night and make it harder for your body to heal." I crossed my arms over my chest and refused to budge an inch.

"I know you're right, but this is eating me from the inside out. Not only can I not even get up to take a fucking piss on my own, I can't even work to figure out who's threatening my mate and my pack."

"Tony, you aren't the only one that can do those things." I wished I could get it through to him that he didn't have to do everything by himself. "You need to learn to rely more on your pack and know you aren't perfect. I think Alexis would tell you that she loves you even if you can't do all the things right now. She'd rather you be safe and here, than reckless and going out half-cocked."

"I'm not going out half-cocked. I just want to have something to do." His hands clenched into fists on top of his thighs. "Just sitting here staring at my leg in this fucking cast is driving me insane. I need something to do."