Page 57 of Arming Alexis


Iwatched the exchange between Miko and Antonio with rapt fascination. Miko was a sarcastic asshole, but he wasn't ever this blunt.

And seriously fucking right.

I wanted to stand up and applaud him because Antonio needed to get it through his thick skull that he needed to apologize, get on his knees and beg for Alexis' forgiveness.

Then make it up to her with his tongue, teeth, and cock until she was a boneless pile of goo from too many orgasms.

Antonio remained silent as he gazed at Miko with his head cocked to the side. Then he looked at Alexis, and his entire demeanor changed.

"I'm sorry, Alexis," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "I will say that as often as you need me to before you forgive me. I will say I love you every morning when we wake up, and every night, it will be the last thing you hear before you fall asleep. I've been a shell of a man since the day I left you, and I've spent every day since then trying to get you back. Everything I've done, every drop of blood I've spilled, every man I've killed, has been to get back to you."

Fucking finally.

Miko began a slow-clap before Antonio cut him off with a growl.

"Thank you, Tony," Alexis whispered, defusing the tension between them instantly. Her superpower proved itself once again.

"I am beginning to understand now, knowing more about the situation. It will not be easy for me, or instantaneous. But I never stopped loving you. I know that much is true."

Antonio nodded, his hands clenching into fists on top of the table. "I wish I could climb across this table and kiss you, Lexi. I've missed you so fucking much. It hurt to breathe without you. Now that you're here. Now that I can touch you, my world has shifted back into focus. It's always been you, baby girl. It's always been for you, because of you, and to get back to you. You're it for me."

Tears even filledmyeyes at the emotion filling Antonio's passionate speech.

"Eat your food." She jerked her chin at the plate before him, still untouched. "You too, Cormac."

My brows rose as I gave her a knowing look. "Only if you do. Otherwise, I will bring you over here on my lap and feed you."

Her cheeks reddened, and she picked up her fork.

"Next time, then." I winked. Gods, she was so perfect. She may not have known she had a Little or a submissive side, but I would bring it out in her. She would let me care for her, just like I wanted to.

Fuck, I had to adjust myself and clear my throat as I settled in to start eating.

"So, can we talk about where we go from here?" Alexis set her silverware down after she had eaten almost every bite from her place.

Good girl. I would reward her for following my directions.

"What are you referring to? Our relationship??" Antonio had a hint of a devilish smirk on his face.

Alexis narrowed her eyes. "You brought me here under the guise of the omega syndicate, but you said you killed Annaleise, so is there still a mole in your cyber security division? If not, what are we going to do now?"

"That's a good question." I nodded. "I would guess we still need to figure out who's siphoning data off-site and if there was any connection to Annaleise. We got Ross, but that doesn't explain the data leak. So it would be good for Alexis to go in and see what she can find in the code."

"You're much better at finding pathways and identifying signatures than me, So we could really use you, Robin." Miko's grin was wide as he praised Alexis' skills.

"Why do you call her Robin?" I interjected, not fully aware of the reason. It was random to me.

"My hacker name was RobinTheOmega. Because I would rob rich organizations and give back to various omega charities that the woman who adopted me supported. She found a lot of omegas who were abused and assaulted and helped get them back on their feet with therapy, job training, and back into the world. She never wanted an omega to be taken advantage of, but for those who were, she made sure they had the support they needed to get back out into the world."

It was an admirable goal, and one that we shared at ACM Enterprises Antonio had donated hundreds and millions of dollars over the years to help charities focused on assisting omegas and anyone else recovering from sexual abuse, human trafficking, or any other atrocities of our world.

The fact of the matter was our world could have been a lot better. But we did everything we could to improve it, even a little.

"You're an amazing person, baby girl." I reached my hand across the table and squeezed her fingers. Her skin was so soft against mine, contrasting my callused and rough ones.

Alexis shook her head. "No, I'm really not. There's more I could do. More money I could make, more organizations I could donate to…"