Page 56 of Arming Alexis

I burst into laughter. “As soon as his leg heals, you know he’s going to kick your asses.”

At my statement, everyone started laughing, the mood instantly lightening in the room. It made me laugh even more, and the tension eased. The doubts were gone for now, and in its place was a lightness that warmed me.

We still had a long way to go, but the banter between us was so natural it would always be there. It wasn't forced or awkward. It just simplywas.

"Food," Miko exclaimed and clapped his hands. "This is my specialty, Princess. You're going to love it."

Cormac grumbled. "It's about the only thing he can cook and the only time I allow him in the kitchen."

"I make damn good omelets too." Miko grinned as he set a sizzling plate in front of me filled with bits of steak, peppers, and onions. "Be very careful, baby girl. It's super hot."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Daddy."

"You call me that, little omega," Cormac growled as he leaned toward me, and his emerald eyes pierced me down to my soul. "Not him." He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering on my cheek.

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered, my voice low and husky.

"Good girl."

The simple praise made me melt into a puddle of goo on the floor.

These alphas made me feel cherished, beautiful, desired. I just had to listen to my instincts and let them guide me.

Antonio cleared his throat. "Lexi."

I turned my attention to him and waited for his following words, but he seemed to be waiting for something, too.

"Yeah?" I asked, finally sick of the awkward silence that stretched before us.

"I love you."

My mouth dropped open at the confession, and I hesitated, unsure if he had more to say or just wanted to blurt that out.

It was honestly going to take a hell of a lot more than just an, ‘I love you,’ to heal all the wounds between us.

"Way to be subtle, boss." Miko brought out two more platters for them and a container filled with tortillas. "You do know love has to be proven by more than simple words, right?"

I gaped at Miko as he disappeared back into the kitchen to finish bringing out the rest of the food, including his plate and a platter filled with cheese, sour cream, guacamole, limes, and hot sauce.

"Miko, what the fuck do you know about love?" Antonio shouted after him.

"You know I do read, watch movies, and just observe things in general, right? I'm not an idiot." Miko scoffed.

"I never said you were, but you haven't been in love." Antonio’s jaw was set in a hard line as he faced off with Miko. His agitation rolled off him in dark, pulsing waves.

My heartbeat sped up within my chest, hoping they wouldn’t fight. It was a healthy discussion so far, and I agreed with Miko on every single point, but that didn’t mean Antonio would take it that way.

Miko jerked his head as he sat down. "I've heard you talk about her when you've had one too many bourbons. How much you've missed her over the years. How you go on rants in Italian about how you wished you would have killed Massimo years earlier but couldn't because then all the rest of the plans wouldn't have fallen into place. Tell her what you've told us, Antonio. Tell Alexis about how you'd fall asleep wishing she was in your arms every night. That's the shit you tell her."

He promptly picked up his fork and began eating his fajitas without sparing another glance at Antonio.

I was rendered speechless by his impassioned rant, by his conviction, and his emotions. It was a side of Miko I was beginning to recognize as his true self. Yeah, he could be a self-absorbed psycho stalker, but he was fiercely possessive, and his depth of character continued to surprise me, even after knowing and talking to him for months.

Miko and Cormac gave affection freely, which Antonio wasn’t known for. He was cool, calm, and collected. He didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve; I had to do some digging to get through his tough exterior, even when we were teens.

Maybe, just maybe, we could all cohabitate.