Page 30 of Arming Alexis

Well, that was bloody unlikely.

They attracted me like a moth to a flame. I wanted to burn in their eyes and immolate in their heat.

"I have everything prepared for you to start Monday in our cybersecurity office." Antonio pushed his plate away and took a healthy drink from his glass of wine. "You need to find the person overwriting our code and pulling logs of financial transactions. They are using this information to blackmail us."

"How do you propose I do that?" Despite the snark creeping into my tone, I managed to keep my gaze downcast. "Make friends so we all share secret diary entries? Seduce them? As I'm sure most of the department are males, I could always dress and act like the office bimbo."

Oops. That was the wrong thing to say.

Miko's fork clattered to the table, and I felt all their eyes on me. Fury radiated from them at even suggesting that I sleep with someone else.

But I couldn't keep my mouth shut. So I kept going.

"Gods only know how many women you've slept with. Probably hundreds. You are a mafioso kingpin. The leader of the whole side of the family. You probably have a fucking harem at your disposal."

"Enough, Alexis," Antonio bit out through clenched teeth.

This time, I looked up at him. There goes my ice cream.

His white-knuckled fists rested on the table, and his gaze zeroed-in on me. Those eyes that haunted my dreams darkened with intensity.

Oh shit. I was really in trouble now.

Not that I gave a fuck.

“Tell me I’m wrong, Antonio. Tell me that you didn’t sleep with half the city and I’ll apologize. But you can’t because I’m right so why don’t you just admit it.” My voice rose in volume until I was screaming at the end of my rant.

I desperately wanted to be wrong, for him to challenge me and tell me that there hadn’t been anyone else. But there was no way that was true.

"You have no fucking clue," he snarled and rose to his feet without another word to storm off down the hall.

Oh, fuck me sideways.



Ipaced the length of my room, liquid magma rage blazing through my veins.

Why had she said that? Was she trying to provoke me?

The short answer was, yes. Fuck, she and Miko were like two peas in a pod; they could push my buttons and ignite my temper like no one else ever had.

After taking several minutes to ground myself with deep, steady breaths, I finally thought past seeing her with another alpha aside from us.

"You okay?" Cormac asked as he leaned against the doorway.

There was nothing that phased him. He stayed calm even in the face of blood, violence, and everything else we'd faced over the years. For the most part, so did I, but Miko and Alexis were my weakness.

I let out a heavy sigh and tunneled my fingers through my hair. "Something about hearing Alexis want to seduce others made my inner alpha want to destroy everything in this damn penthouse."

Cormac nodded. "Same. I'm surprised Miko didn't shove all the food off the table and spank her ass right there."

"Trust me. I wanted to. But I managed to restrain myself." Miko shifted past Cormac and made his way into the room to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Where is Alexis?" I growled.

"She sulked off to her room." Miko looked down at his hands absently. Why he was doing it, I had no idea.