Page 3 of Arming Alexis


I was going to go with that assumption.

I scrubbed my hands over my face before stretching my arms out. With a long, drawn-out yawn, I rose to my feet and moved into the kitchen. Nothing sounded too great to eat, so I grabbed some Uncrustables before throwing them on my nightstand.

The first order of business was a shower because my hair was gross.

Shedding my clothes as I walked to the bathroom, I turned on the water and let the steam fill the room as I brushed out my hair. The special occasion called for the new shower steamers I bought last week.

Making quick work of the packaging, I tossed two small balls into the shower deeply inhaling the relaxing scent of lavender.

Oh yes, that was just what I needed to keep my mind off of CP and his possible stalkerish ways.

I’d done enough running from psycho alphas to last me a lifetime, thank you very much.

But how do you know he’s an alpha?I thought bitterly. He never told me he was, but it was evident in how he spoke, well-typed, and the small things that added up.

He had to be. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that he was.

“Stop thinking about it Lexi,” I muttered as I climbed into the shower and let the hot water take over.

But it didn’t last for long.

That ache between my legs came back with a fiery vengeance, and my hand found its way down my body until my fingers swirled over my clit.

I didn’t even know what CP looked like, but I imagined his deep, husky voice, his body hidden in the shadows.

Not that I needed to see him while imagining him sneaking into my bed in the middle of the night and fucking me senseless.

His hand would wrap around my throat as his lips brushed my ear. “Stay quiet, Robin, and I’ll reward you like the good little omega you are.”

Quickly he tore my panties from my body, and his fingers delved between my folds. “Mmm. Yes, baby girl. Already so fucking wet for me.”

With a moan, I was yanked from my fantasy as an earth-shattering climax swept through me. My legs wobbled, and my free hand slapped against the tile to keep myself steady.

Holy fuck, had I just imagined a man I barely knew breaking into my condo and sneaking into my bed?

Yes, you shameless hussy, you did. And you loved every fucking second of it.

My head fell to the side to lean against the cool tile, the water still beating down on my shoulder and back.

I needed to get it together. I had shit to do—companies to steal from.

And the biggest heist I’d ever planned was coming up in a few short weeks.

I had to be on my A game. Not fantasizing about dream alpha cock.

You didn’t even imagine his cock yet. Just his fingers.

Oh, shut up, inner voice. I don’t need your shit right now.

I turned the knob, standing in the stall momentarily, to let the water drip from my body. The chill in the air quickly swept through, despite the steam still lingering in the air.

It wasn’t a temperature chill.


This chill overcame me whenever I thought about CP. Despite telling myself I would banish him from my mind, I knew I was a filthy liar. CP had been my only friend over the last few months. Before that, there was no one. A few acquaintances, maybe, but no one I would ever show my true self or thoughts with.