Page 22 of Arming Alexis

“Enough,” Antonio growled roughly, and I lifted my lips from Alexis’.

I gazed down at the beautiful omega, her stormy gray-blue eyes darkened with lust. Her lips swelled from my attention.

I wanted to thread my hands through her hair and fuck her face. I wanted her to choke on my cock, and only I could control her breathing.

Mmmm. She’d look delightful as she gasped around me.

“Miko, leave Alexis and come sit next to me.”

I looked over my shoulder with my brow furrowed. Antonio’s amber eyes left no room for argument as he pointed down at the space beside him on the bed.

Reaching down, I delicately removed Alexis’ hands from my chest, kissing each one before I released them. Before I pulled away, I bent close to her ear. “Own it. Embrace it. You want us. We want you. Don’t fight it, Princess.”

“Miko,” Antonio snapped, and I bounced backward before settling against him. “Must you always be so dramatic?”

“You love it, and you know it.” With a preening smile, I lifted my body to kiss his cheek.

Antonio settled his hand on my thigh, his pinkie finger resting against my swollen balls. Fucker did it on purpose just to tease me. He lived to torment me. Make me ache for him until I was ready to shatter, just for him, completely.

I loved it.

Alexis swept her hair from her face and sat back up. She crossed her legs and rested her arms atop her thigh. “Now that I’m not getting mauled, can we get back to why I’m here and what you want with me?”

She was even more beautiful when she was fired up.

“You are here because the omega syndicate has something it wants you to do,” Antonio began. “I have close ties with them, assisting with liquid cash flow. We’re partners, although neither of us thinks highly of the other.”

“Okay?” Alexis wiggled herself back to lean against one of the thick poster pillars.

Antonio was getting impatient. His hand squeezed my thigh as he stiffened next to me. “And I wanted you back. So I’m helping them with you. You are perfect to find out who is stealing from both of us. Your particular skill set will be vital to figuring this out.”

Her face was impassive as she worked through what Antonio was saying. “You wanted me back?” she whispered as her brow furrowed. She scrambled to her feet, her movements steady. Thankfully, the drug was working its way out of her system. She was processing things quicker. I hated seeing her so lost and helpless.

That wasn’t something I was used to feeling. I didn’t care about anyone except Cormac and Antonio—until I’d laid eyes on her.

It was such an unfamiliar feeling, caring about someone other than our little group. But since Antonio told us about his beautiful omega, we felt honor bound to her as much as he was.

It was us against the world. It had been that way for several years. What was his was ours, and vice versa. We’d shared men, money, drugs; you name it. If we slept with women, I’m sure we’d have shared those too.

Now, we would share this spitfire omega, and fuck…I couldn’t wait.

As she paced, she ran her fingers through her long, wavy hair. “You used this syndicate to get to me?”

She pinned Antonio with her gaze, fire burning and crackling between them.




Asmile threatened to turn up my lips, but I fought it back. My little omega needed to figure out that this was it. There is no way she’d be leaving me. I wanted to put my ring on her finger and my babies in her belly.

Seeing the electricity spark between her and Miko made my cock hard as a rock. He was already head over heels for her.

Her beauty entranced Cormac, and I’m sure he would grow as attached to her as we were.

It wouldn’t take long.