Page 19 of Arming Alexis

“You left me.” The words sounded hollow, even to my own ears.

A hand settled on my upper arm, the touch singed, burning me from the inside out.

I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming. There was no way this was happening.

A third scent invaded my senses. Pine and gingerbread. Warm and inviting. Homey. Like being wrapped in a big fluffy blanket and watching the snow fall while sitting in front of a fire.

It was a heady mix, Antonio’s bergamot and Miko’s vanilla and cloves. Intoxicating.

“No,” I bit out through clenched teeth. “This is not happening right now. I’m dreaming and any second now I’ll wake up in my loft, with my stuffie and this will all be a nightmare.”

“Sorry,Tesoro. This is no dream,” Antonio’s Italian accent caressed me like the softest silk. The sound was smooth, cultured. Sexy as hell, and he knew it. How many times had he whispered in my ear in Italian?

How many nights had I fallen asleep with his words of love still ringing in my years?

Too goddamned many.

Enough to fuel ten years of rage at being left with no note or explanation.

“Fuck you,” I hissed. “Fuck all of you. Leave me alone!”

“Let’s give her some time.” Antonio snapped his fingers, and soon the scents receded. The purring no longer filled my ears.

I was alone in silence.

Alone with my thoughts of how I’d fucked up so badly, this was the situation I was now in.



Igave myself precisely ten minutes to wallow in my own self-pity . Then, I would put my big girl pants on and face this problem head-on, because I was no quitter. I would not let Miko, and Antonio rule my life and give me orders just because they could use their scents and purrs against me.


It wasn’t going to happen.

Because I fucking wasn’t going to let it.

Okay. Ten minutes was up.

Time to put me back together and figure out what the fuck I was doing.

With a grunt, I climbed to my feet. Sweat beaded along my forehead from the effort, but I kept moving. I shuffled myself along to an attached bathroom, where I splashed water on my face and gazed at myself in the mirror.

Fuck, I looked terrible. Dark circles lined the underside of my eyes. My skin was pale and waxy, and my lips were barely darker than the rest of my face.

Great, so I looked as terrible as I felt.

Sighing, I made quick use of the hairbrush and toothbrush that were on the counter. A little more put together, I started to feel more human.

But still unsteady on my feet.

Whatever it was that Miko gave me, it was intense.

“Fuck,” I muttered as dizziness made me stagger.

“Will you just accept some help?”