Page 27 of Falling For You

Smiling, I head to the locker room, keying in my member ID to get into the vacant bathroom. One thing I love about Dynamo is that the shower cubicles are completely self-contained bathrooms.

Showering, I unbraid my hair, restyling it into a cute bun, and step into my work clothes – a button-down shirt and a pencil shirt, with heeled pumps, a smart blazer, and black tights.

Leaving my soiled towel in the hamper near the door in the main locker room area, I wave to the perky, tanned blonde at the reception desk and step out into the crisp air.

A taxi is passing, so I flag it down, not wanting to wait for a town car on this windy street. Giving the address of the public defender’s office, I settle back into the seat, my gym bag beside me, and watch Seattle pass by.

I turn our conversation near the end of the session over in my mind, a sigh passing my lips. I have to admit I’m relieved to know Jimmy isn’t looking for anything.

I have no idea what prompted me to ask such a silly question. It’s like my mouth had a mind of its own. I’m having fun, and mygod, I’m relaxing. It’s not like I’m disappointed he hasn’t asked me out.

I’m not looking for a relationship. I don’t know if I would have time for a date. I barely have time for my family. I’m doing better. As I promised Holly after the charity gala, I carved out a day for Ben last weekend. I need to make that happen more often.

The taxi pulls up in front of the building, the cabbie nodding as I pay and slide out, slinging my gym bag over my shoulder and walking inside.

Marcie’s eyes widen as I drop my gym bag onto my desk chair, pointing at Henry’s office.

“They’ve been waiting for you,” she hisses, shaking her head at me.

Shit. Who has been waiting for me? I quickly spin on my heel, weaving through the file-laden desks to the boss’s office. Henry Mortimer is the Executive Director we work under. He has been in the position for several years since I started here five years ago.

I wasn’t aware of a meeting. I blocked out the time for my workout session in the office calendar. Henry was a fan of the idea. He was even more of an enthusiast when it became obvious that my work is benefiting. I am more focused and less stressed.

Pulling out my phone, I check it. Oh. Shit. Lunch with Dad. I can’t believe I double-booked myself! Dad must have been waiting here for almost twenty minutes! No wonder he was invited into Henry’s office. Gah! How could I have been so stupid?

Smoothing my jacket, I knock on the door, waiting to be summoned.

“Come in,” Henry’s rich baritone rings through the door. I step inside, waiting for Dad’s disapproving look – being late for a meeting is on his list of unforgivable sins.

It’s an amusing scene that greets me. Dad looks completely out of place beside Henry. Henry’s suit is a dark gray, complimenting his russet skin and silvering hair. Dad is wearing a sharp navy suit that probably cost more than everything here in Henry’s office, his gray hair brushed back off his temples, his gold watch glinting in the overhead light.

They both turn to me, and Henry motions for me to close the door. I do, slowly trying to piece together the complete absence of censure on Dad’s face. I’m almost half an hour late. He should be fuming. But he’s not. He’s watching me with a poker face. I mean… there could be one reason for that… no! He would not come here to try to get Henry to fire me. Would he?

“Why don’t you take a seat, Thelma.” Henry smiles, gesturing to the semi-comfortable armchair in front of his desk. I sink into it, my eyes darting between them. Being invited to sit in while they are both standing doesn’t seem like a good start.

“What’s going on?”

They both hesitate, sharing a glance as my head swivels between them. Someone needs to tell me before I completely freak out.

“The defender’s office has received some mail threats,” Henry admits, shifting awkwardly. “You were named.”

Named? In mail threats? What kind of threats? “Threats?”

Henry nods, rubbing his hand over his eyes. “Yes. They are anonymous. The police are handling them. We think it may be a defendant whose case was lost.”

“Oh my gosh.” I can’t believe it. I try my best with every case file on my desk, but I often don’t have much to work with. It’s not like in the movies. We’re very much guppies going up against blue whales. In time, in resources, and just about every aspect.

I remember everyone I have ever defended. I can’t think of anyone who would send anonymous threats to me. If the police are looking at them, they must be bad. I’d rather not know their exact contents if they’re bad.

Henry sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he locks eyes with me. There’s a steely look there. I recognize that look, it’s familiar, and it means I’m not going to like what he says next.

“I want you to take some time off, Thelma.”

Yep. I don’t like it. “I can’t. I have so many cases on.”

Henry looks torn. He knows I’m not lying. We’re swamped and can’t afford to be a staff member down. He shifts, nodding slowly. Dad looks furious at the fast capitulation.

He glares at both of us, shaking his head. “I think your safety is more important than work, Thelma."