Page 80 of One Last Job

“See you in…” I glance at my boarding pass. “Just over eight hours.”

Finn smiles, and it’s his real smile this time, the one that makes my heart stutter and my cheeks warm. “I’ll be there to meet you. Have a safe flight, sweetheart.”

My phone buzzes as I sink into my cushy first class seat.


Have a safe flight, babe. Let me know when you land.

And stop spiralling. ENJOY THE MOMENT.

Despite everything, I can’t help but smile. Bailey knows me so well.


I’m trying!!!!

The rich bitch vibes are definitely helping though.

I send her a photo of the little cubicle I’ve got to myself, along with the complimentary flute of champagne and I laugh when her immediate response is rows and rows of groaning emojis.


Omg. Jealous. Need to find a brand that will fly me and Cash out first class.

Better get used to this life, babe. You’re dating a millionaire now.


He’s not a millionaire.

Or is he? I’m actually not quite sure. Finn isn’t overly flashy, but he carries himself with the quiet confidence of someone who’s never had to subtly check their bank balance at a bar before placing an order.


You sure? Flying you out first class with less than a days’ notice seems like pretty strong millionaire behaviour to me.


…Shut up.

And we’re not dating.


Not officially, but I give you guys three days.

Countdown starts…now!

I roll my eyes, put my phone onto airplane mode, and enjoy the perks that flying first class brings. Mostly the fact that, once we’re in the air and the captain turns off the seatbelt sign, I’m allowed to recline my seat all the way back and turn my cubicle into a little makeshift bed. I’ve always struggled to sleep on flights, but I doze off quickly this time. When I open my eyes again, a flight attendant is hovering over me with a small smile and she lets me know we’ll be landing shortly.

It takes me barely any time at all to get through Customs and Baggage Claim and, as I wheel my suitcase out through the arrivals gate, I keep an eye out for broad shoulders and a head of sandy blond hair. It’s easy to spot him. He’s standing front and centre in front of the arrivals gate, and a genuine grin stretches from ear to ear as he locks eyes with me.

If I didn’t have my suitcase, I’d run to him. Sprint, even. As it stands, I have to settle for a brisk jog but he does me a kindness and meets me halfway. He sweeps me up into his arms and barely gives me the chance to get out a breathy ‘hey’ before his lips are slanting over mine.

God, I’ve missed his touch. It sets my skin ablaze as he swipes his thumb along my jaw and pulls me in even deeper. I can’t get enough of him, and I claw at the hairs on the nape of his neck, desperate to get closer.

In this moment, it’s only the two of us. The rest of the airport fades away and all I can hear, feel, touch, and taste is Finn.