Page 74 of One Last Job

For a few more hours at least.

My phone buzzes and I quickly scoop it up before the sound can wake him. I’ve been trying to contact Bailey since I woke up — she’s due to land back in London from her trip to Jamaica today — and so it doesn’t surprise me when her grinning and definitely tanned face fills my screen.

“You’re home!” I say, my voice a half-whisper. “How was the flight?”

“Not too bad. Whereareyou?” I can see her eyes darting around the screen, trying to figure out where I am because I’mclearlynot in my own room.


Finn groans beside me, rolls over, mumbles something sleepily, and drapes an arm over my waist. Bailey’s eyes widen and I bite my lip to smother the giggle that’s desperate to come out. “Yeah,” I whisper. “I need to update you on somedevelopments.”

And then it’s my turn to stare atherin shock, because a figure suddenly looms over her. He’s tall and handsome, his shoulder length wavy hair pulled into a messy bun. Caspian “Cash” Reid. Bailey’s older brother’s best friend and her reluctant companion on this PR trip.

Or maybe not so reluctant anymore.

He drops his head onto her shoulder and she leans into the touch that’s definitely too intimate for two people who supposedly dislike each other.

“Caspian,” I say with a nod, my voice full of unasked questions.

Cash nods back, his lips twitching in obvious amusement. “Amber.”

Before I can say anything else, Finn’s arm tightens around my waist and he groans as he tries to pull me over to his side of the bed.

I shoot Bailey a wink. “We’ll talk later.”

She laughs as she hangs up the call.

“Mornin’, sweetheart,” Finn grumbles as he pulls me on top of him. “Who was that?”

“Bailey,” I tell him. “You remember my friend?”

His eyes are low and sleepy and it’s interesting to learn that Finn is not a morning person. Given how early he arrived at the club every morning, I never would’ve guessed. “Yeah, I remember her. Everything all right?”

“Pretty sure everything is a lot more than all right.”

His brows furrow in confusion before he shakes his head and apparently decides it’s too early to try to get into this. He lifts his head just enough to give me a quick kiss before he flops down onto his pillow again. “What time is it?”

“Just gone eleven.”

He hums and his eyes flutter shut again. I lie down on his chest and trace invisible patterns on his skin.

“I didn’t tell you, but I made a big decision last night,” I murmur.

“What was it?”

“I’m going to quit Zensi Designs.”

He opens both eyes and beams down at me. “Really?”

I prop myself up onto my elbow and frown. “Why do you look so happy?”

“Because that place…becauseCynthiamakes you miserable. I’m glad you’re getting out of there. Where are you going to go?”

I bite my lip. “I’m not sure yet. I was thinking that I’d maybe try to start something up of my own. It’ll be hard,” I say quickly, like I need to convince him. “But I think I can do it.”

“Iknowyou can do it.”

There’s no doubt in his voice, just pure, unwavering confidence in my abilities.