Page 65 of One Last Job

When I finally get back up, she’s biting down on her palm, smothering her cry. The action irritates me more than it should. I want to hear her scream my name as she finishes, to hear her come completely undone because of me.

“You feeling better now?” I murmur.

“So good.” Her chest heaves as she comes down from her high. “Fuck, Finn.” She reaches for my tie and tugs my face down to meet hers. Her lips slant over mine without hesitation, tongue slipping into my mouth like she’s desperate to taste herself on me.

She doesn’t break the kiss as she reaches for my belt and just about manages to unbuckle it before an annoying sense of clarity washes over me.

The little bubble we’ve been in pops and I’m suddenly acutely aware that we’re not alone. There’s a tiny army of contractors just a few floors below and the fact that nobody’s walked in on us yet is nothing short of a miracle.

I place my hand over the one fumbling with my belt.

She looks up at me with confusion in her eyes.

“If we don’t stop now, we’re never going to,” I say.

The confusion makes way for something else entirely. Rejection? Hurt? “Right.” She glances away and I use my free hand to tilt her chin upward.

“Sweetheart,” I say, holding her gaze so she knows just how serious I am and that this isn’t a rejection. “There are too many people in this building right now, and the first time I fuck you, it’s going to be somewhere you can scream my name.”

Her eyes widen, her chest heaves slightly, and her tongue darts out to run along her full lips. I want to lean in and bite them, see what kind of reaction I can coax out of her by doing that.

Slowly, torturously slow even, she lets her gaze drop to my crotch. My cock stirs in response and when she looks back up at me again, she’s grinning. “I look forward to it.”



I look forward to it.

Who says that? I sound like bloody Danica in HR. There’s no point in pretending, though. Iamlooking forward to it.

Every time I glance at him, I get flashbacks to that afternoon in the office. The electricity that surged through every inch of my body when he put his hands on me. The way I arched into his touch when he slipped his fingers inside. How I saw stars when his tongue ran along my lips and he sucked at my clit.

I don’t think I’ve ever been touched like that before. Like the only thing that mattered to him was pleasing me and he would’ve done whatever it took to get me to that point.

I want more.

I need it, really.

I’m so close to pushing him into a supply closet and jumping his bones, it’s getting ridiculous. If this were anyone else, I think I would’ve done it by now. But between me putting the finishing touches on the property and working on The Pevensey project, and Finn running around getting things ready for the launch party in two days, we’ve barely had a spare moment together.

So when I walk into the office and find him there, sprawled across both my beanbag and his, the giddy little jump my heart does doesn’t surprise me at all.

He’s on a call, and judging by the displeased frown on his face, it’s with his uncle.

I slink into the room as quietly as I can and lean against the desk, not wanting to interrupt the call.

He mouths a silent apology and I shake my head, content to stand here and watch him. He’s wearing headphones, so I can’t hear whatever it is that prompts the fleeting look of irritation on his face, but I hear Finn’s response loud and clear.

“Yes, I’ll be back in New York on Sunday. Check in with my office and I’m sure we can find a time and day that suits us both.”


He’s leaving infour days.

Something unpleasant settles in the pit of my stomach.

I’ve always known that his presence here wasn’t going to be permanent, but maybe I’d been naïve in thinking that we had more time together.