Page 103 of One Last Job


What? What’s happened? Are you okay? Where are you?

No response.

Oh God.

I feel my Prosecco start to climb back up my throat and my mind starts swimming with worst case scenarios. My baby sister, injured in a ditch somewhere, alone and afraid.



Please answer.


soz, jen just sent me a snap and i had to reply

Sonotdying in a ditch then. Great.


Jesus fucking christ, Leanne. I was worried about you.

You said it was an emergency.


it IS an emergency

can u send me £50 plssssss

promise i’ll pay u back

as soon as my student loan drops

A paragraph of about one hundred praying emojis come through next and I resist the urge to hurl my phone at the wall.

Leanne is seventeen and enjoying her last summer before she starts university in September and barely two days can pass without her hitting me up for money, a ride, or some other kind of favour.


Ask Mum.


she said to ask u

Of course she did.


What do you need it for?


travel. i don’t have enough in my account to get to work until i get paid next week