Page 101 of One Last Job

“Go find whoever gave you that lipstick stain and bother her again,” Bailey continues. “But. Not. Eliott. All right?”

Dane deflates in his seat. “Not that I was going to do anything—”


“But fine. I’ll leave your photographer alone.”

Satisfied, Bailey pulls Cash back over to the dance-floor and they immediately start gyrating to the beat. Cash’s personal dance lessons with her have clearly come in handy, because they both look like borderline professionals.

It’s nice watching them dance. Cash doesn’t take his eyes off her, a goofy smile plastered on his face as his hands skirt up her back.

“They look so happy,” I murmur, leaning into Finn. He drapes an arm over me. “I’m going to miss them.”

“I’ll fly them out anytime.”

“Cash hates flying.” I’ve been trying to convince the two of them to join me on a trip to New York for the last two years. Bailey’s flown out with me once, but Cash hasn’t taken me up on the invitation yet.

“Then we’ll fly here,” he says with an easy shrug. “Are you—” He swallows. “Are you regretting the move? We can push it back if you want to be here for all the wedding planning?”

I turn around to face him. “Never. It’s sweet of you to offer, but no. I’m ready for us to start our life together.”

These last two years have been a necessary evil, giving me the time to set up my business and for us to deepen our relationship and bond with each other.

But I’m ready now.

I’ve been ready for a while.

“I’m tired of there being an ocean between us. I want you. I wantus.”

He leans in and holds my chin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling my face closer towards his. “Me and you, sweetheart,” he breathes against my lips. “Forever.”

“Forever,” I agree.

“It’s going to be good,” he promises me.

I shake my head. “It’s going to be great.”



If you enjoyed Amber and Finn’s story, read on for a sneak peek ofONE MORE SHOT, the next book in the Flights and Feelings series!

ONE MORE SHOT follows Dane Clarke and Eliott Rayne…

Coming September 2023 - pre-order today!




I haveone goal for tonight and one goal only: I, Eliott Rayne, am going to have an orgasm.

Sasha, my roommate and best friend, cheers loudly. “That’s the spirit, girl!” Some of the Prosecco in her glass spills over onto my bedsheets as she flops down onto my bed. “Positive vibes only.”

It feels like I need more than just positive vibes right now, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same. Because, despite having just turned twenty-seven, I’ve never managed toget therewith a partner. Not for lack of trying, mind you.