Page 35 of Brass's Surrender

“I’m giving you all space,” I answer, hoping my answer will suffice him. But from the darkening of his eyes and clenching of his jaw, I know it’s not what he wants to hear.

“You’re gonna give us space?” Horse grinds out, body facing the bar, but his head is cocked so he’s looking at me.

“Um, yeah.” I stick with my answer.

“You think anyone in this room is willing to let you out of our sights after tonight?” Stoney demands, straightening, his voice terse, and he looks ready to explode.

“I’m not going back out there. I’m just going to another room to give you all time,” I retort, somewhat snappishly. I don’t know these people, well I do, but I don’t. They’re my blood, and I’ve made sure to know their lives, though they don’t know about me and my life.

“You leave this room, and I’ll put you over my knee right here and now,” Brass growls and throws back a shot of Jack. I’ve never been one to be able to drink straight Jack, and I marvel at the way he swallows it down without even wincing. Doesn’t it burn his throat like it does mine? Granted, I’m not much of a drinker, and when I do have one, it’s usually a Cape Cod or a glass of red wine that I found. I like to find bottles all over the world that are vintage. I can’t do the cheap stuff, to me, that isn’t wine.

Brass’s words register in my head that he’d put me over his knee, and I can’t think of that. No way in hell do I want the image in my head because all it does is turn me on.

I plant my hands on my hips and glare at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

I barely get the last word out before he jumps over the bar, literally jumps over it, and stalks the short distance to me. His hands coming around me, and there’s nowhere for me to back up because the next thing I know, Brass has me engulfed in his arms. He grabs a chair, sits, and puts me over his lap, ass in the air.

“You want to try that again?” he demands, rubbing a hand over my rear.

“Let go of me,” I snap and try pushing myself off his lap.

“Not happening. You need to learn what you did tonight was fuckin’ reckless,” he says. His hand leaving my ass only to come down with a hard swat causing me to jump.

“Brass,” I squeal and continue to push myself off him, but he doesn’t allow me to budge.

“Way I see it, you earned yourself twenty for not listening. Later, I’ll give you another ten for putting yourself in danger without talking to me first. I told you we’d work together, and you didn’t listen to me.” His hand comes down on my rear again, making my body buck.

Okay, so he’s a little more than pissed at me right now.

Another swat comes down, and he keeps talking. “You didn’t just put yourself at risk tonight, Athena, but our lives tonight were on the line.”

“Well, it’s not me that put them there,” I cry out when he spanks me again.

“If you’d listened, talked to us earlier . . .”

“When did you give me a chance?” I demand, tears filling my eyes in frustration, and I try to shove up off his lap once more. “You were all about getting laid. There was no time for me to tell you.” I somewhat lie. If I tried, he would have listened to me.

“Bullshit and you know it. I would have heard you out if you’d tried,” he says, bringing his hand down twice more. “You’re too damn close when it comes to this shit. That bastard, if given the chance, would have taken you and killed us if he could.”

I know he’s right, but I refuse to admit it to him. “I would have handled it. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been taken.”

The room seems to vibrate with anger at my announcement, and I realize I shouldn’t have said anything about that. Damnit.

“Brass,” I whisper his name feeling the tension rolling off him.

“You’re fuckin’ done, Athena. I mean it,” he snarls and finishes my spanking while everyone in the room looks on. Once he’s done, he stands, throws me over his shoulder, and mutters to the others in the room. “We’ll see you sometime later,” he remarks and carries me to what I can only assume is his room.

“Put me down,” I demand as he slams the door behind us. Next thing I know, he’s throwing me off his shoulder and onto the bed where I would have bounced off if not for Brass falling on top of me, his face directly in mine, our noses touching.

“Now, I’ll teach you why you have listen to me.”



Brass strips my clothes from my body, nearly ripping them off me.

“Brass, what are you . . .”