Page 30 of Brass's Surrender

I blink at him and wonder if he’s lost his mind. “For the record, I’m not on birth control, and it is something to fret about because what I do is dangerous and I would never put a child in danger.”

“Thea, I know you wouldn’t. Now, let’s get your shit so we can go. Don’t worry about cleaning up. I’ll clean you up after I fuck you again at your place,” he states, stroking my cheek.

Oh. My. God.

Brass has lost his ever-loving mind.

But a part of me ignites at the thought of him being inside me again.

Though, it shouldn’t because I’ve got work to do. Work that doesn’t involve him, no matter what he claims.

* * *

Staring into the dark night through the windows, I soak in the feel of Brass’s arm around me. One of the things I love about my apartment building is the view. I can look out my window without anyone being able to peer in and see the night sky. It’s beautiful.

There’s nothing like looking at the dark night sky and watching the stars, connecting them and making them into something special.

Unlike the rest of the world, they hold something unique. Brass passed out after wearing me out. If I didn’t have things to do, I’d be out like a light, but unfortunately, I’ve got to get to work.

Maybe if I can finish this up, I can get back before he knows I’ve even left.

I inch away, pulling out of his arms. I immediately feel the warmth leave my body and get out of bed. I pad over to my closet and get dressed quietly, not wanting to wake Brass. Once I finish and grab my bag, I head out, my mind going over what I intend to do.

I make it out of the apartment, down the stairs, and out of the building. I take a deep breath, thankful for Brass being a deep sleeper. That and he hadn’t cuffed me to him as he had the night before. I start to make my way to my second car when a shadow falls over me.

“The fuck are you doing out here?” Brass demands gruffly, spinning me to face him.

I meet his anger-filled eyes and swallow nervously. It’s a look that reminds me of one a lion would have when it’s about to pounce on prey. More shadows come out, and I curse, realizing what I should have known. I should’ve anticipated it and gotten out of there another way.

“Don’t worry, Karma, these men have learned our ways and know what we’re all capable of,” Victoria remarks before I can answer Brass’s question.

“Where the fuck were you going?” Brass snarls almost animalistic, and it sends a shiver down my spine.

“To handle something,” I mutter, no point in denying it.

“I thought we were working together,” he snaps.

“If we were working together, why do you have all these people out here?” It feels childish to be arguing like this, but damnit, they got one over me.

“Because I knew you’d do something like this. I’ve been around Tracker, Blaze, and Ranger’s ol’ ladies enough times to know the shit they’re capable of. Now, before you do something that seriously pisses me off more, get your ass back upstairs to the apartment.”

“I don’t think so,” I snap, crossing my arms. “I’ve something to do, and I’m doing it now. Otherwise, it could be too late.” While Victoria was dancing, I overheard two of the other dancers talking about a couple of clients they gave lap dances to and what they’d heard them talking about. Supposedly, there’s an auction happening tomorrow, and they have a full stable ready to go. If I don’t get those people out before it’s too late, then they’re fucked. It’s a simple job to do, and not one meant for a whole group of people. The more involved, the higher the chance of getting caught.

Unfortunately, I know none of those surrounding me now are about to let me handle this without them. Sighing heavily, I rake my fingers through my hair and release a long breath. “Fine, I’m going to help women get away before they’re sold at auction tomorrow.”

Brass’s eyes flare, and he clenches his jaw. “You didn’t think to tell me this before? I told you we’d fuckin’ work together, and yet you want to go it alone. What the fuck is the matter with you?” he snarls.

“I need to save them,” I snap back.

“No, you need to knock this shit off and quit being fuckin’ stubborn.” Brass grips my hips tight and yanks me forward so we’re nearly touching. “What you need to do is fuckin’ trust that we can damn well help you.”

“The more people involved, the harder it will be to get them all out.” I nearly scream, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. “You can’t help with this.”

“The hell I can’t.” Brass’s fingers tighten nearly to bruising, and he leans in pressing his nose to mine. “You’re fuckin’ mine, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting you do this alone. You want to help those women, then you need to damn well start trusting those around you.”

“How do you know about this?” Harlow speaks up, speaking to me for the first time since I saw them at the clubhouse.

I struggle to get away from Brass without success. Figuring he’s not going to release me, I twist enough to face the others and answer Harlow. I give them what I know. I even tell them about the man I want most of all.