Page 37 of Brass's Surrender

When he finally allows me to come, I cry out around the gag, needing more of him. So much more. Brass must read my body because he starts moving faster, taking me deeper. Our bodies in sync with each other. He reaches under me and does something with the toy inside my ass that has me screaming in sheer rapture as it starts to vibrate.

My body jolts, and I strain against the restraints holding me. Brass thrusts inside me like a battering ram fucking me insane. The release that washes over me is unlike any I’ve ever felt, and if I could, I’d beg for more. When Brass joins me with a groan, I swear it’s the most magical thing I’ve ever felt.

Exhausted and unable to do anything about it, I close my eyes and let the exhaustion overtake me, knowing I’m safe with Brass even as he has me tied up. Safer than I’ve ever been, and free in a way I’ve never felt.



Holding Athena in my arms, I listen to her light breathing, knowing I wore her out. She passed out before I even released her from the bindings.

I’d barely pulled out of her, released her from the restraints, and taken the ball gag out of her mouth before she rolled to her side. I was tempted to leave the vibrating plug in her ass, but I took it out. After, I went to the bathroom, wet a cloth, and came back to clean her up. Once done, I tossed the cloth to the floor and climbed in next to her.

Now with her in my arms, I can relax and know she won’t go anywhere for a while. Not after the way I exhausted her body.

I just need some rest before I have to worry about what she’s going to try next. Though from the look in her eyes, I don’t know if there’s going to be any more stunts like this. She’s been through hell, and from the look I saw, I got the feeling, she’s not going to be doing anything else without talking to me. Not that it was a look of hurt or anything like that, but of submission, like she finally accepted that I’m here for her . . . that I’m not going anywhere.

It might only have been a couple days since I got her back in my life, and I’ve taken this shit full warp speed. But I’ve witnessed the shit my brothers have been through with their ol’ ladies, and I’m not about to let that happen with Athena. Not in this lifetime.

I lie here, holding Athena in my arms, and a thought crossed my mind. I might not know who the fuckers were behind tonight’s bullshit, but I intend to find out, and when I do, I’ll make them suffer. Until then, there’re a few things I can and need to do. One of them being taking care of the bastard who hurt my woman all those years ago. To do that, I need to call Lucifer and speak to him. The other will be more for fun. I need to talk to Gadget, get a few toys together, and go out for a little while.

Glancing down at Athena, I lean in a and kiss her forehead. I climb out of the bed, pull the covers over her shoulders, and tuck them around her. Pulling away, I turn from the beautiful sight that’s my woman and get dressed without making a sound.

Afterward, I head out of my room, making sure it’s locked. Heading down the hall, I’m not surprised to find several of my brothers sitting around the main room, including Horse and Stoney.

I open my mouth to say something, and Stoney holds his hands up.

“Don’t want to hear it, Brass. That girl is my cousin, she’s family and I don’t want to hear whatever it is that you might say about her sexually.”

“Now you know how I fuckin’ feel when you talk about Rach,” Tracker mutters, shaking his head.

“Yeah, well, I’m still getting over the damn shock. The woman is my son’s age and my cousin,” Stoney remarks.

“How about we not discuss it at all?” Horse grunts, eyes coming to me. “Get you spanking her and shit, but I don’t want to see that shit again. I feel like I should burn my eyes.”

“Sorry, VP.” I shrug and glance around. I find Gadget sitting next to his twin and call his name. “You got any special toys for blowing shit up?”

Gadget cocks his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. “I’ve got all the special toys to blow shit up. What are we going to go play boom with?”

“I don’t know the fucker who was there tonight, but I figure if we go take out the warehouse, that’s one less place for him to hide,” I suggest.

“We do that, we could be entering a war, you know that, right?” Twister states and cringes. “Then again, we enter the potential war already with helping those people.”

Gadget gets to his feet and looks around the room. “Connors is still looking at each of those at her clinic, but there’s one person who was saved last night we all know.”

“Who?” I ask, furrowing my brow.

“I didn’t recognize any of them,” Striker remarks.

“You know that girl, Autumn? The one the ol’ ladies are friends with from in town? She caters and has that café next to Emerson’s salon.” Gadget sighs. “She was there. Pretty banged up. None of us would have recognized her. She didn’t even speak. Not until Connors was alone with her. The only thing she said to Connors was she was taken from outside her café.”

“Well, fuck. How did she go missing and no one missed her?” Striker asks.

“Don’t know.” Shrugging, Gadget looks around the room. “But from what I’ve found out the brief time I’ve had to look, it seems this guy, they call him the ‘Marionette’. He’s a big shot and nearly as powerful as the group,” Gadget motions to Stoney and Tracker, “the Supreme Masters. Though, I think this one’s a bit smarter because until recently, they’ve been quiet in handling business.”

“They probably would have stayed that way if not for Athena and us buying the strip club,” I grumble.

‘“You might be right about that,” Horse mutters and gets to his feet. “Let’s go blow some shit up. If we’re entering a war, then so fuckin’ be it.”