Page 23 of Brass's Surrender

“What’s the address?” I demand, getting his attention back on me.

“Why should I give it to you?”

“Reap, give him the address,” Lucifer orders sternly.

Reap glares at me, but still gives me the address, just as the doors burst open and none other than Victoria, Raven, and Harlow make their entrance.Lucifer looks at the watch on his wrist and grins, twisting to look at the women’s men.

“I told you less than two hours.” Looking back at the women, he tsks, “You three are getting a little rusty there. I figured you’d be here within thirty minutes of them.”

“Not rusty.” Raven snorts, rolling her eyes. “We’re moms now and have other obligations. Like getting the children safely tucked away while we come to find out what the hell is going on.”

“Someone want to enlighten us?” Victoria snaps, cocking a hip.

I shake my head at their antics and turn to Twister. “I don’t have time for this shit. I’m heading after Athena.”

“You mean Karma?” Raven speaks up, turning her attention to me.

“Yeah, why?” I stare back at her.

“Nothing, but you should know the winds screamed her name on the way here more than once. Karma and Athena both. The two are one and the same, sharing the same body. But the woman’s soul is tied to yours. If you want her to listen . . . to believe there can be something between you. You need to surrender to your own feelings and know exactly what you want.”

I blink down at her, taking what she said in, and nod. Do I believe in the voodoo mojo shit that I’ve heard about when it comes to her and her mom, fuck yeah, I do. I’ve seen some crazy shit in my life and what they talk about may seem crazy and intrusive, but it’s also truth. They speak the advice they have to give and then let the cards fall where they will.

Sighing, I run a hand over my face and look at my brothers. “I’m out of here.”

“Bring Athena back to the clubhouse,” Stoney commands.

“Will do,” I say, giving a two-finger salute and stalk toward the doors leading to my bike. I pull my phone out of my pocket, input the address and hit start directions. I know where I’m going, but I like to be cautious and precise.

On the ride, I take my time to think about what Raven said along with Reap and Lucifer. I think about the shit she went through at Mario’s hands and wish I could go back in time to fix things. Take her with me. Keep her from having to go through the hell she’s been through. I also think about the fact life seems to come about full circle. I’m not someone who believes in fate or any of that bullshit, but I’ve seen enough in my life to pay attention and be watchful.

Having Athena back in my life is one thing I’ll take by the hands and hold on to.

At eighteen, I knew I would do anything to protect her. To keep her safe. She meant something to me then and at the time she’d been no more than a kid. I didn’t think of her being more, but now I’ll take the more. She’s beautiful, smart, can handle herself, and she gets my dick harder than any bitch ever has.

I pull up in front of a moderate building that sits across from a park and within walking distance from a grocery store. The building, moderate as it seems, looks to be built in the eighties and could use some work, but the way it’s structured looks unique. I’m willing to bet Athena’s got it set up with security.

Parking my bike in one of the parking spots, I kick the stand down and hop off. I scan the area around, taking in the area, looking for anything out of place. I might not live here, but it’s not like I can’t pick a threat out.

Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, I make my way into the building and up to the top floor. I don’t bother knocking and instead pick the lock. It’s not easy, but I get the dead bolt and then the door knob open before stepping into the apartment, only to come face to face with Jesse.

The kid cocks his head slightly like he’s assessing me.

“Good timing on picking the lock,” he says, grinning. “But Momma’s, got you on that.”

“Where’s your mom, kid?” I grunt, not wanting to talk about picking locks with Jesse.

Fuck. I still can’t believe Athena is this kid’s mom. Then again, the red hair is as dead giveaway to him. What kills me, though, is she named him after me. Why? I didn’t do anything but leave her in a hell that caused her pain. Sure, before I was kicked out, I did what I could to protect her, but still, she’d been raped because I wasn’t smart enough to just take her away with me. Instead, I tried to do the right thing and go through the system. But that didn’t work, and in the end, I’d been too damn late.

“Momma’s taking a shower,” Jesse answers, still watching me with those assessing eyes. “If you’re here to take her back to the clubhouse, that’s cool with me. But she’s not going to go without a fight.”

It’s my turn to cock my head and watch the kid carefully. “Why did you say that?”

“Because I know my momma. I can recite every story she’s ever told me. I know they’re not all fiction. There’s truth to them. My papa told me, and so did she. But Momma loves to share stories. It’s a way for her to get over the past. I might be a kid, but Papa, Uncle Reap, and Momma have all taught me to be more.”

Here I thought he was a normal kid blathering on at the clubhouse.

“So, I know my momma won’t go without a fight because I know she’s scared, though she will never admit to that. Papa says she’s a fighter and will die fighting. But he also says it’ll take someone special to get her to surrender to that fight.” Jesse shrugs and looks to the hall where I can now hear the water running. “I want Momma happy. Not just me making her happy.” The kid brings his eyes back to me. “But if you hurt my momma, I’ll kill you myself and trust me when I say I’ll make it hurt. Now, tell Momma I’ll be with Papa at the clubhouse.”