Page 16 of Brass's Surrender

“That’s right, my little bitch, beg for it.” Jerking me around, Mario throws me to the bed and pounces, not giving me the chance to move away. “I intend to make you scream for me.”

* * *

“Thea,” Brass calls out, knocking on the door.

I ignore him and push away the thoughts the best I can. I shake my head and breath in raggedly. It’s been so long since I’ve thought about what happened. About Mario hurting me. I got away, and I survived.

Why now do these thoughts have to come back to me? Why can’t they stay buried? Because the past always finds a way to the present and makes itself known. That’s what Lucifer always said. You have to deal with the past to make it to the future. I never did. I shoved it so far back in my mind. I swore it would stay there. But now . . . I’ve allowed myself to be found. Brass knows who I am, and with him comes the memories of the past. Just like The Ghost of Christmas Past. Damnit, all to hell.

“Thea, come on, open the door,” Brass says through the door.

Still ignoring him, I turn the shower on. With those thoughts coming at me, I need to feel clean. To rid the memories of the past.

I strip off Brass’s shirt and step in under the spray. A shudder shoots down my spine as the water is still warming up. I hate cold showers and prefer them to be almost scorching hot.

Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back and let the water wash over me. I let it wash away the memories of the past. I let it hide the tears that stream down my cheeks, washing away the terror those memories carry with them. The sound of the shower muffles my sobs. The last thing I need is for Brass to hear me crying. It’s bad enough with everything else going on, he doesn’t need to know the past haunts me the way it does.


I just need to get away from him. From here. Why didn’t I listen to Reap weeks ago when he told me this wasn’t a good idea? Now I’m paying the piper his due.

I release a shuddered breath and run my fingers through my hair while doing everything possible to shove my dark past back where it belongs.

Too consumed with everything else, I did the one thing I knew better than to allow happen. I left myself vulnerable. I know this because one moment I’m alone, the next, I’m spun around to face the naked chest of Brass.

Oh my God.

My heart thumps in my chest, and it’s all I can do to swallow.

Brass takes in my tears, his brows furrowed, creasing, and meeting in the middle. “What’s wrong, Cherry?”

I shake my head, not prepared in anyway to face off with him. Let alone question why he’s calling me Cherry.Honestly, what I want more than anything is to feel something . . . anything that isn’t the pain of the past.

Knowing it’s not a good idea, but still doing it anyway, I slide my hands up over Brass’s chest, not answering his question. Instead, I watch my hands under the spray of the water while drawing my bottom lip between my teeth.

Brass wraps a hand around my wrist stopping me while using his other hand to grip my chin and forces me to meet his eyes. “What are you doing, Thea?” The gruffness of his voice is nearly my undoing.

“Feeling,” I answer. Who was I kidding, this man was my undoing and right now I want to feel him. Lifting up on my tiptoes, I brush my lips across his.

At first, Brass tenses and starts to pull away, but I’m relentless. I need to feel him. Just this once.

My tongue peeks out and runs along his bottom lip, flicks his top and slides in when his part. He doesn’t loosen up, but he also doesn’t stop me. A moment later, his arms surround me pulling me flush. His body turns us, and he presses me into the wall as he takes over, controlling the kiss. I know the instant he does. It’s like a shift, and it’s all-powering.

It’s also hot and sexy. I totally love it. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

Brass’s hands move to my hips, and he grips and lifts me until I’ve no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. By doing this, it leaves me exposed to his thick shaft rubbing against my entrance.

I moan into the kiss, and Brass slips his hands to cup either side of my ass and grinds me against his thickness, making me want him even more.

Brass breaks his lips away from mine, eyes focusing on me. That impressive feel of him shifts and I can feel him pressing at my entrance. He’s just about to push inside when a banging on the door to his room interrupts us, and I can hear the sound of what I can only assume is Horse’s voice.

“Get the fuck out here.”

From the sound of Horse’s tone, he’s pissed.

But looking at Brass’s eyes right now, I’m sensing someone else is just as T’ed off.