Relief washes over me as Martha's words reassure me that I'm not alone in thinking that we need to be thorough. We make plans to meet after work, eager to brainstorm ideas and find a way to ensure that our reporting is both swift and reliable.

Just as we're about to part ways, Stephen approaches my cubicle. Martha and I instinctively straighten up, ready to face his scrutiny.

"Chloe, Martha," Stephen greets us with a polite smile. "What's the topic of discussion here? Anything interesting?"

Every inch of him seemed to be tailored to perfection, the fabric of his suit straining against his bulging biceps. I could see his tattoos just beneath the cuffs, teasing me. His hands were large and commanding, his fingers delicate and long like a pianist's. I wanted nothing more than to feel their touch on my skin. I wanted to feel the warmth of his embrace as he pulled me close.

And just like that, I’m imagining those fingers stroking my breasts and kneading and pinching my nipples while my legs are wrapped tightly around that tapering waist. Imagining the tantalizing anticipation of his tongue dancing against mine, While grinding his hard cock against my already pulsing core, just the thought of it sent waves of pleasure radiating through my body, making my pussy wet …

"We were discussing a potential story, sir," Martha replies, jolting me out of my feverish fantasy.

Trying not to blush, I hurry to say, "A whistleblower from a rival media company claims to have evidence of unethical practices. Nick suggested we publish it immediately, but I believe we should take some time to verify the account thoroughly."

Stephen's gaze meets mine, his eyes showing a hint of intrigue. "I see. And what's your proposal, Chloe?"

I take a deep breath and try to banish the dirty thoughts populating my mind as I reply, "I suggest we allocate resources to investigate the claims, gather evidence, and ensure that we have a comprehensive report before publishing. It may take a little longer, but it will ensure that our work is credible."

Stephen seems to consider my words, nodding slowly. Before he can respond, however, Jonathan appears beside him, his presence interrupting the conversation.

"Stephen, we need to discuss the upcoming interview schedule," Jonathan says, his tone insistent. "There are some changes that need to be made."

Stephen glances between Jonathan and me, his attention momentarily diverted. "Right, Jonathan. We'll talk later, Chloe. Carry on with your work."

I watch as Stephen is led away by Jonathan, the conversation drifting towards other matters. The brief moment of connection and understanding between us seems to fade, overshadowed by Jonathan's interference. What a Cock Blocker.

Nonetheless, I hold on to the glimmer of hope that Stephen's inclination towards my proposal means he has approved of it. And maybe that means he approves of me?

I could feel our connection in that moment, as if a bond of mutual understanding and admiration had been forged between us. But was it all in my head? With renewed determination, I return to my work, knowing that Martha and I have a plan to pursue, even if the road ahead is filled with challenges and distractions.

Later in the day, Jonathan stops me near the coffee machine, a sinister glint in his eyes. He steps closer, his voice dripping with venom.

"Chloe," he hisses, his tone laced with accusation. "I heard you went behind my back to Stephen earlier. Trying to play your manipulative games, just like your sister. Don't think I haven't seen through your charades."

I narrow my eyes, my jaw tensing at his rude tone. "Jonathan, I didn't go behind your back. I simply discussed Nick and my conversation with Stephen. There's no need to be so hostile." Damnit, what the hell is wrong with this guy? He seriously needs to get laid. I wonder if he’s dated anyone since my sister.

His lips curl into an evil smile, and he leans in, his voice a low, menacing whisper. "Oh, Chloe, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You may think you're different, but remember, secrets have a way of coming back. And when they do, it won't just be your reputation on the line."

I straighten my back, refusing to cower before this prick. "With all due respect, I don’t really care about your vague threats, Jonathan. I know what I’m capable of."

He chuckles darkly before saying, "You're naïve, Chloe. Just like your sister was. You think you can escape the consequences of your actions, but they have a way of catching up to you."

Anger surges through me, fueling my defiance. "Don't you dare bring up my sister again. I am my own person, and I won't allow you to keep tarnishing her name. Or mine!"

Jonathan's gaze hardens, and he takes a step back. "Be careful, Chloe. The games you play are going to backfire one day. You never know who might get . . . hurt."

With a warning glare, he turns and walks away, leaving me seething with frustration. As he approaches Stephen near the office doors in the distance, I notice Stephen's gaze briefly shifting from Jonathan to me, a flicker of concern passing through his eyes.

Before I can react, Stephen's attention is diverted by Jonathan, who engages him in an animated conversation. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

As I watch them from a distance, I can't shake off the feeling that Stephen's eyes linger on me for a moment longer than necessary. But I push aside such wistful thoughts, determined to focus on my work and not let Jonathan's toxicity affect me. I return to my desk, vowing to not allow Jonathan's veiled threats to weaken my resolve or compromise my work.

Little do I know that even more unpleasant conversations await me.

At the end of the day, as I gather my belongings to leave, Nick approaches me with a sneer on his face.

"Looks like your charms are working wonders again, Chloe. Getting assigned to the whistleblower's story, huh? Must be nice to use your feminine wiles to get what you want."

My blood boils at what he is implying, and I swiftly turn to face him, my voice filled with indignation. "Excuse me? That remark is completely inappropriate and sexist, Nick. I earned this assignment based on my skills and dedication, not because of any so-called 'charms'."