Page 88 of A Hero For Heather

“No,” Heather said. She’d left the door open. She didn’t go into her room to talk because she wanted privacy, just that Daisy was watching something on TV in the living room and she didn’t want to be interrupting her friend.

“What happened this time?”

“More of the same. She expected so much more out of me with my education. This call should have been about Luke. It started that way. Then she turned it into the fact that he’d never want to follow me back home. I told her I had no intention of going back home anyway.”

“I’m sorry,” Daisy said, coming to sit by her on the bed and give her a hug. “I know it bothers you.”

“It does. I’ll never get her to understand and just have to move on. I’m glad I did it though. If I were still in New Hampshire I’d be frustrated with my job. And my life. I’d be single and lonely too.”

“And you wouldn’t have such an awesome best friend,” Daisy said.

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“Did I hear you say the L word to your mother when talking about Luke?”

She should have figured Daisy would catch that part. “Yeah.”

“I’m so happy for you,” Daisy said, bouncing on the bed.

See, even her best friend who worried that she’d be living alone wasn’t upset that Heather was in love.

“Thanks. It’s not like I’ve said anything to Luke though.”

“How come?”

“He’s not ready to hear it anymore than I’m ready to tell him.”

She didn’t want to tell Daisy about Luke’s past. She wouldn’t betray him that way.

“Does he think you won’t stick?” Daisy asked. “I know you’ve said your brothers feel that way. I think it’s crazy, but who knows what goes through other people’s heads?”

“I think he is worried about that,” she said. “But I told him last night what my brothers had said. That it takes a special kind of woman. I told him I’m that kind of woman.”

“Ahhhh,” Daisy said. “What did he say?”

“He swore. Then he said he didn’t want to let me in, but I was making it hard on him.”

“I’d be pissed that he said that, but then happy that I was wearing him down too.”

“That is exactly how I felt,” she said. “Annoyed he’d said that but more determined to break him. You know what I mean. I’m sick of not feeling like I’m good enough for my mother. I want to feel like I am for the man I love.”

“Don’t let others get in your head. You love him and I bet he loves you too. He just has to come to terms with it for some reason. You don’t know the life he lived in the service and what he saw. Right?”

“Correct,” she said. That was one thing she hadn’t wanted to ask.

“Not everyone could handle the man they love having killed people, Heather. Job or not.”

“I know. I just need to keep letting him know I’m good with it all. It’s going to take time. And hey, we are moving much faster than we did after the first time we slept together.”

Daisy snorted. “You’ve got that right.”


Stand On Her Own

“Are you sure you’re okay with meeting my parents tomorrow?” Heather asked.

She’d been asking him this for two weeks now and he’d told her yes a number of times. Even if he still wasn’t sure what the problem was or why she’d said he was tough and could handle things.