Page 60 of A Hero For Heather

He stood there next to her. There were two chairs, but she got the feeling Luke would rather stand.

Sean sat down and started to type into his computer, then pulled out an iPad. “I just need to see your insurance card and if you are going to trade something in or not?”

She didn’t find that question out of the ordinary. She pulled her cards out for him to see if she had insurance, he took a picture of it with the iPad and she figured it scanned it in.

“No trade-in. I’m hobbling around because of an accident. My car is totaled. I’ll be putting a deposit down.”

“I’m so sorry about that. But I’m glad you’re okay. Are you financing through us or the bank?” Sean asked.

She might have thought he was getting ahead of himself, but for the moment, she said, “I saw the interest rate is fairly low, so I’d rather do it here.”

“If you qualify,” Sean said.

“I’m sure I will.”

She wasn’t going to let this guy play her. She’d heard enough from her father and brothers this week when she said she was going to test drive an SUV. She didn’t tell them about Luke going with her. No reason to and it’d open up too many questions she didn’t have answers for.

Sean turned the iPad in her direction. “I just need you to fill out this information and how much you are going to put down as a deposit and we can get you approved within an hour. You could probably take the car home today.”

She looked at Luke to see his smirk then back to Sean. “We haven’t even talked money yet.” But she did start to put her information in. She hadn’t looked at any other SUV’s that she liked that were in her price range. But she knew what she wanted to finance.

“We’ll get your payments where you want them to be,” Sean said. “Where do you want the max to be?”

She laughed. “I’m not interested in where my payments land but rather what I’m paying for the vehicle. I can figure out my payments myself. I’d like to know my interest rate before I sign anything.”

Sean smiled at her again. “Of course. We’ll get to that. It’s just all routine. Can I have both of your licenses? Yours since you’re buying the car and yours since you’re driving it today?”

She’d grabbed hers out of her wallet, Luke pulling his flip wallet out of his back pocket. The minute he opened it up you could see the badge was flashed. It was hard not to see it.

She found it funny that the guy didn’t seem intimidated by Luke who was six foot two of solid man that wasn’t talking much or breaking a smile. He had a military cut that screamed what he might do for a living on top of it.

But Sean was focusing on her and she bet that was the plan to go for the woman who might be more of an emotional decision maker.

“I see your badge,” Sean said, his eyes darting now. That got his attention. “Local police?”

“State trooper,” Luke said, pulling his license out and handing it over.

“Well, I know your license is good,” Sean said. “But it’s policy.”

“Not a problem,” Luke said.

She finished her paperwork on the tablet and handed it back.

“How much do you plan on putting down?” Sean said. “This will give us a better idea with the financing.”

“At least ten thousand,” she said. Once her insurance payment came in and she paid off her loan, she cleared about nine thousand and some change. If she had to put more down she would. It depended on the interest rate, but she was banking on the one percent.

“I just sent everything in. I’ll go get the vehicle and bring it to the front for you and show you some features, then you can take it out.”

“Thanks,” she said, standing up once Luke handed her the crutches.

“He’s such a bullshitter,” Luke whispered.

“Aren’t all salesmen?” she asked.

“Good for you making it known you can figure things out on your own.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I can, but I think once he saw your badge, he stopped and just said he’d get the car. I guess I should thank you.”