Page 19 of A Hero For Heather

“You didn’t have one?” Daisy asked her.

“Nah. But we can now.”

“How about coffee instead?” Daisy asked. “I didn’t get my nightly one.”

The two of them always had a coffee together at night. She just realized she didn’t have hers either. “That sounds like it will hit the spot.”

Daisy went to her room to change and Heather got up to go to the kitchen and make their coffee. They always picked flavors for the other as a surprise.

They drank it the same way too with vanilla creamer.

“Gingerbread,” she said, handing it over. “For both of us.”

“Perfect,” Daisy said and went to sit on the couch, getting under the other end of the blanket. “Why is it so hard to find a guy that you like being around, who can have mature conversations and makes your blood boil?”

“No clue,” she said. Though it did make her think that Luke fit the mold there.

She liked being around him. She’d thought it had to do with sex, but after spending several hours with him she realized it was more than that.

He cooked for her. They cleaned up together. Had sex on Zane’s old couch and she laughed when Luke said he was glad it held up as well as it did.

They stuffed their faces with a brownie and cupcake each. She’d been starving and figured she’d burned enough calories with their actions earlier.

Then they watched TV and just talked. More than she thought they would have.

When it was time to leave, he yanked her in close and plastered his mouth to hers. They didn’t exchange numbers. He didn’t ask and she didn’t either.

She knew where he lived. He knew where she worked.

They said it was about the present and she’d honor that.

What the future would hold would be determined. Just not tonight, or even tomorrow.

Daisy held her coffee up. “Here is to a new year and maybe we can each find a man that fits into our lives better.”

Heather lifted her coffee cup too. “From your lips to my ears.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be to God’s ears?” Daisy said.

“Is that the saying?” she asked, laughing. “No clue. But let's hope it comes true for us.”

“Here here,” Daisy said, laughing.


Scary And Sexy

“Morning, roomie,” Daisy said to Heather three weeks later when she walked into the back of the retail store and saw Daisy coming down the hall. “Good luck.”

She smiled at Daisy who knew what today’s meeting was going to be about. “Thanks.”

Heather moved past her and went up the stairs to the conference room. The three sisters had lived in this space when they were younger before it was converted to admin offices. Then the space over the retail shop next store expanded to it too. It seemed Blossoms was growing by leaps and bounds yearly.

“Good morning, Ivy,” she said to Jasmine’s younger sister when she passed her office next to Lily’s.

Ivy worked as an assistant to Lily and also ran the retail shop downstairs and did what Rose and Poppy needed too.

Since Poppy was pregnant and due in a few months, she was doing as much as she could but not as much as usual.