Page 16 of A Hero For Heather

He cooked their dinner, they ate at the island, then she helped him clean up.

She’d already told him that she had to be home by midnight before Daisy returned. He was fine with that.

It was about seven at this point, the TV was still going and he was trying to figure out if their night was done or if they were going to talk some. They still had dessert.

“Do you want to eat what you brought or wait?”

“We can wait,” she said. “Why don’t we go sit in the living room and just watch TV and talk?”

“We can do that,” he said.

She sat on the couch and he was debating on going to his new chair or on the couch next to her. He went with his gut and sat on the couch but gave them both enough space.

There was some silence between them, but the background noise was the best TV commercials of the year.

Then almost instantly they both leaned in and their mouths met.

It was a slow kiss, or at least in his mind, but when her mouth opened, his did too.

Then her arms went around his neck and pulled him closer and fast so that he was almost lying on top of her.

He wasn’t going to say anything. Not that he could.

He just wanted to be lost in what was happening.

His tongue slid in and aggressively chased hers, her hands went under his shirt on his back, her nails running up and down.

She broke away from his mouth, her lips moving to his ear. “Don’t talk. Just feel and do. It’s about tonight. I’m not saying no but don’t want to think either.”

He knew it might have taken a lot for her to say what she had, but it was the green light he needed.

If she only wanted him for sex he’d have to accept that. It was not the first time in his life that had happened and he was going to tell himself to not be hurt over it.

His shirt was pulled up and over his head and he realized they were going to do this right here. His condoms were in his bedroom.

“I need to get some protection.”

She nodded and he moved quickly to get it and came back wondering if she’d change her mind, but she didn’t. Her arms were wide open for him and he went back to where he was.

His mouth found hers again, the two of the making out like teens trying to discover the prize at the end of the rainbow.

He’d been there before with Heather though and couldn’t wait to do it again.

After five minutes it felt as if a switch was flipped and both of them were flinging clothes all over the room.

He had her sitting on the couch, him on his knees in front of her, his hands on her thighs spreading her wide, his mouth going right to her swollen bud and attacking it as if it was the enemy in his way.

He was going to make her scream out his name a few times tonight if it was the last thing he did.

“Oh God,” she said. “That feels so good.”

“You’re soaked,” he said.

She was almost dripping and all it did was tell him how much he turned her on.

“I can’t help it,” she said. “You caused it.”

He laughed at the tone in which she’d said those words. As if it was a bad thing when it totally wasn’t.