Page 119 of A Hero For Heather

At the end of the day, she’d seen Luke’s truck come back in with Zane’s. She wasn’t going to let him leave without talking to him.

They hadn’t talked at all today. Not even one text. Normally one of them reached out, but he hadn’t and she wasn’t going to.

But her brother was right and she was going to be selfish and put herself first because Luke was damn lucky to have her in his life.

When Luke was getting in his truck to leave, she realized he wasn’t going to come see her and she decided to take matters into her own hands.

She ran outside and started to dash toward his truck.

He hit the brakes and then put the window down. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said, gasping for air. Damn, she hadn’t run like that in a long time. At least she knew her leg was good, as she hadn’t felt anything other than embarrassment.

“It’s like someone is chasing you. Is there a morphed plant monster in there?”

There he went again. Trying to make jokes. “Ha ha. Very funny. Get out of the truck and come into my office.”

She turned and walked away from him hoping he followed.

She heard the door shut and hid her smile.

“What did you need?” he asked when she was in her office.

“Sit down.”

He lifted his eyebrow at her tone. She was probably pushing it, but she was on a run now and wasn’t stopping for anything.

“I feel as if I’m in the principal’s office.”

“Stop trying to joke about everything,” she said. “I know what happened last night. I know that I probably shouldn’t know what I do, but I want you to know that I do know.”

She frowned over that choice of words. They were confusing to even her.

“There are some things you don’t need to know.”

“I do,” she said, crossing her arms. “I love you, Luke. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Who said you were?” he asked.

“I’m not saying you are going to leave me, but maybe you are stubborn enough to because you’ve got it in your head that you don’t deserve me. Or aren’t good enough. Whatever words you use. But they are all bull crap. I’m more concerned I’m going to lose you to yourself.”

“Now I’m really confused,” he said.

“You,” she said. “You get in your head. You never talk about anything in your life. I’ve had to sit on you and pull your teeth to tell me about your mother. And you took my advice and guess what?”

“What?” he asked, smirking at her.

A real smirk. Not one that he was forcing.

“You did what I suggested, and you freed yourself.”

“Freed myself?” he asked.

“You know what I mean. I told you that it will always follow you around if you don’t do something to say you did what you could. That you could push that guilt aside and know you had a free conscience.”

“I did listen to you,” he said.

“That’s right,” she said, nodding her chin. “Because as my grandmother has told me before, I’m pretty damn smart when I put my mind to it. I don’t need other people to tell me what I should do. I know myself.”