Page 108 of A Hero For Heather

“I’ll wait for you,” she said.

“No,” he said. “I’m sorry. It could be a long night. Go home and get some sleep. I’ll be in touch when I can.” He kissed her and started walking toward the door. She grabbed her purse with her keys and jacket and followed him out, him locking the door and them both pulling away.

She still had no idea what was going on or where he was going.

Normally she didn’t get bothered too much when he was at work. But this...yeah, this was different.

“What are you doing home?” Daisy asked when she walked in.

She looked at Daisy and noticed she was dressed more than if she’d been sitting around the house. “Did you work late?” she asked. “I thought you got out at five?”

“Yeah,” Daisy said. “I got held up working with a few customers.”

Since she couldn’t recall what Daisy had on when she went to work, there wasn’t much she could say. The black pants and nice sweater could have been something she’d wear.

And since she was a little stressed over watching Luke leave the house in full gear as if he was going to war, she couldn’t focus on much more.

“Oh,” she said. “Luke just got called into work.”

“Why do you look so white over it?” Daisy asked.

“Because they called him in as a sniper,” Heather said. “And he had to gear up and just watching that was like something out of a movie. I think seeing it in person is different than not knowing. If that makes sense.”

“It does,” Daisy said. “You probably ate, right? Did you have your coffee?”

“No,” she said. “I didn’t.”

“Then let me make us our coffee and we’ll wait together. Did he say what was going on?”

“I’ll make the coffee while you change,” she said. “Thank you for being here for me. And you didn’t eat if you just got home. I’ll get snacks.”

“I’ll always be there for you,” Daisy said.

Daisy walked to her room and came out a few minutes later in sweats.

Heather had both cups of coffee made by then and on the island. “I’m looking for some cookies or chips. I need something while I try to figure out what is going on.”

“I just looked on Facebook,” Daisy said. “There was a breaking news thing about something going on at the casino.”

“That sounds about right,” she said. “Luke told them he’d be there in twenty minutes or less. Which means he was going to be breaking speed records getting there since he’d taken about five minutes to get geared up.”

Foxwoods wasn’t that far from Mystic. About twenty minutes depending on traffic.

“Let’s hunker in and see if we can follow the news,” Daisy said. “I’m sure Luke is going to be fine. Don’t snipers normally hide away where no one can see or reach them? That’s part of their job.”

“I guess,” she said. “I only know what is on TV.”

“You could text Violet or Lily and ask them to find out from Trace or Zane. I bet they know what might be going on too.”

“I don’t know if they’d know any more than us, but I wouldn’t bother them either. I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. Until then, let’s see if we can find something on the news.”

She wanted to ask Daisy if she was going on a date tonight, but since her friend was now trying to distract her, she’d feel horrible if she found out a date was canceled. It was better not to know and she’d make it up to her roommate another day.


When It Was Over

Luke parked and moved past the parameter that was being blocked off at the casino and found his captain.