Page 112 of A Hero For Heather

It was funny that everyone was checking in on her and it was obvious they knew what happened last night, but she couldn’t hear it from her boyfriend.

She was trying not to judge though. She said she wouldn’t but found it frustrating that he wasn’t getting back to her.

Then she had to remind herself that she only knew so much about Luke and that wasn’t a lot. And what she knew wasn’t always pretty.

At the end of the day she couldn’t hold off any longer.

Rather than go home, she went to Luke’s house.

His SUV was out front like it was always. There were lights on inside too.

She got out of her SUV and took a deep breath, went to the front door and knocked. There was no answer.

She knocked again and turned the handle, but it was locked.

Hmm, could he be hurt?

She started to panic and ran around to the back of the house to check that door. She stopped before she got to the deck stairs and saw a figure down by the water just standing by the bank looking over it.

She’d know that man anywhere.

She made her way closer to him and stopped right beside him. No way he didn’t know she was there.

“Sorry I didn’t call or text you,” he said. He was speaking but never once turned to look at her.

What was it that Zane said? Don’t let Luke shut down.

She wasn’t going to do that.

“Tell me what you need,” she said.

He turned to look at her. There was the five o’clock shadow on his face that she always found sexy, but this time she found it made him more vulnerable.

“You,” he said, picking her up.

His mouth crushed hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs hitched up.

If he needed a physical release she was going to give it to him.

Anything to help him.

He moved toward his house fast, up the deck stairs, inside and right to his room.

They were ripping each other's clothes off fast. Jackets, shoes, shirts, pants and undergarments.

He picked her up again and instead of the urgency that he’d shown outside, he slowed down some.

He laid her on the bed, his body coming down on top of hers, his fingers threading through hers and holding them over her head.

She felt trapped but in a delicious way.

A dangerous way.

He was kissing her again. Softly, deeply. It was a contradiction to how she’d felt. How he’d shown her outside minutes ago.

Her legs spread for him and he slid between them, found her slick heat and entered her quickly.

She thought for sure he’d speed it up, but he didn’t.