Page 110 of A Hero For Heather

“Do you have the shot, Bravo?”

“Negative,” he said. “Shit. There are hostages in there. Two girls. Possibly teens.”

He saw the older man waving a gun around and grabbing one of the crying girls, putting her in front of him while he went to look out the window to see if he could make his escape. He’d see that wasn’t going to happen.

“Take the shot, Bravo, the minute you’ve got it,” Wilson said. “Bring this to an end.”

This was going to come down to him and his judgment.

He wasn’t letting anyone else get hurt on his watch, but he needed the right time.

There was no breeze in the night. He was surrounded by other police on the ground watching what was going on.

No one wanted to miss and hit a hostage.

The window went up, the gunman put the girl in front of him. “I’ll shoot her if you don’t let me out,” the man yelled. “Let me out of here and she’ll be let go.”

He didn’t believe it. Not when he’d been told one of those hostages shot earlier had just passed because they couldn’t get medical help in there.

The girl was crying. “Your status, Bravo?”

“Negative,” he said.

He needed the girl to move just enough and he could get the guy in the side of the head. He didn’t need a lot of space, but she was squirming enough he couldn’t take the chance she’d move in his line of fire.

He got his chance when the gunman went to lower the window back down and had to take his hand off the girl to do it and she tried to run away.

He squeezed the trigger, the bullet hitting the man in the temple.

There was a lot of screaming, the hostage opening the window and trying to get out, the police on the ground telling her to stay put and storming the building.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then another. Now was when his heart raced. When it was over.

Once he was calm again, he started to break his rifle down. He’d clean it when he got home.

He stood up and stretched his back. He was in his position for what seemed like the whole night.

He looked at his watch and realized it had been.

Time just stood still in situations like this. You didn’t blink because you couldn’t miss your chance.

He got off the roof and went back to the command post.

Many were congratulating him on a good shot. He didn’t hear any of it.

Killing a man wasn’t a good day's work for him. Even if it was justified.

When the paperwork was all done, he was walking in his door around six in the morning, stripping from his gear and jumping in the shower.

He stayed in there long enough for the hot water to run out.

He picked his phone up to put on the charger and was going to bed when he realized he had a text from Zane.

It said one word: “You” with a question mark.

He replied “Yes” then put his phone on silent and was going to try to shut the world out.

Just when he thought he could be the man for Heather, something like this had to happen and remind him she deserved someone in her life that could give her what she wanted.